𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞 - 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟

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Emily's POV

Jaxon walks in and the man raises his gun and I jump and push him hard as he fires the gun.


"Fucking puttana!"he roars as he turns hitting me with the gun.I fall to the ground and look up to see jaxon and the man both pointing their guns at each other.

"Jaxon de luca what a pleasure"the man says and Jaxon doesnt take his eyes off him.

"I presume you work for Mikhail"Jaxon says and the man laughs hysterically. He then steps back and bends down, gripping my hair pulling me up.

"I came here for your little puttana but change of plan" he says and wraps his hand around my throat tightly.I only know abit of Italian but I kkow enough to know he is calling me a whore.

"The fact you called me Jaxon de luca means the news has spread"Jaxon says.

"They hid you well I will give them that" the man snaps and tightens his grip and I gasp at the lack of air.

"let her go"jax snaps.

"We are going to play a little game de luca...You answer my questions and the puttana dont get hurt"he suggests and Jax fists clench.

"Question one... Is your uncle in Italy?"he asks and jax huffs.

He grips my top ripping it open and Jax goes to pounce forward but he lifts his gun,stopping jax in his tracks

"tut tut tut" he laughs and raises the knife to my chest and I shake in fear.

"YES HE IS!" jax shouts and he moves the knife away but his grip on my hair still holds me in place .

"Wasn't so hard was it? question two Is dean Russo forming Alliances?"he asks and jax rolls his eyes and looks away.If he tells him this information he is Risking all of our lives.

The man lifts the knife and cuts slowly through my skin on my chest causing me to scream out in pain.

"PUT THE FUCKING KNIFE DOWN!" Jax shouts and he stops cutting and I look up at him through teary eyes.

"Answer my question!" he snaps and throws me onto the floor. Before I could move he kicks me in the stomach.


I try to get back my breath as he winded me from his kicks.When I look up Jaxon is standing there with a gun in his hand. He comes over to me and lifts me up from the ground.

I look down at the ground and see the man's lifeless body and blood pouring from his head.

"come on" Jax says breaking me from my trance and he pulls me out of the kitchen into the bedroom.

He killed him.

He sits me on the bed and takes off his jacket and wraps it around me. Inbetween shaking in shock I had forgot my top was ripped completely.

"Emily look at" jaxon's voice echoes and I raise my head to look at him.

"it's ok" he says moving my hair from my face as he kneels in front of me.

"I-I want answers" I stutter and he sighs. He can't keep things from me anymore.

"I Can't te-"

"No You will tell me right now!" I demand and he rolls his eyes and stands up.

"The Russians were after you" he says looking down at me.

"They know if they kill you then your father can't form big alliances to take them down" he continues and I mod as I process what he is saying. I knew me being married off was important but I didn't know that it saved my family.

"what changed? Because he said he was here for you instead now and he called you de luca?" I asked standing up and jaxon turned away from me.

"It's better if you don't know" he says.

"I have a right to know what's going on"

"fine" he snaps.

"My father was a de luca and he grew up with mikhail a lot happened which meant mikhail didn't gain anything....my father didn't want anyone knowing I even existed so that's why I came to live with you they wouldn't ever suspect Dean to help"he explains.

"so your a de luca and that's why now they are after you but how did they find out?" I ask him and he smiles.

"A rat found out and told them I found a guy and he confirmed he worked for mikhail and he told me he was after you" he tells me and I sit back on the bed. How much danger am I in?

"Mikhail is in charge of one of the biggest Russian Mafias he feels threatened I won't let him get to you" Jaxon says to me and I nod at him.

"what now there is a dead man in the kitchen" I say and jax laughs.

"I will sort it dont worry" he tells me and I smile. I minute ago I was scared for my life but now I feel safe just by his words.

Jaxon's POV

fuck. Mikhail is got his men getting information just what I needed. I don't want her involved in any of this maybe it is for the best she marries Charles.

I left her in the bedroom while I dealt the body, she was in shock I could tell. Seeing him hurt her flipped something in me. An anger I didn't know I had in me.

I open the bedroom door and look over to see Emily fast asleep on the bed. I stand in the doorway staring at her as her beauty draws me in.

This whole trip has been painful knowing that every kiss, hug and laugh would be our last and that this was all goodbye.

I shouldn't of said what I did to her but it was too hard for me to stand there and admit I don't want her to leave.

I have had years of loneliness and pain but all of that is a distant memory when she is with me. Declan was right she deserves this goodbye this isn't for me this is for her.

I grab a spare blanket and put it over her and flick the light switch off before leaving the room. I lay down on the sofa and think back to when I was lost in a world of alcohol and sex. Nothing but wreck less.

"Jaxon" a voice spoke and I turned to the doorway of the bedroom and Emily stood there rubbing her eyes.

"what's up?" I ask and she huffs. She shrugs her shoulders and walks into the room

"I know what your doing"

"what do you mean?" I ask and she walks over to the sofa.

"your punishing yourself but it's not your fault" she says and stands in front of me.

"Emily It is my fault if I hadn't tried with you in that way we wouldn't be in this situation" I say and she moves down onto her knees in front of me.

"I don't care" she says and I frown at her.

"If this trip is goodbye then fine but I want to remember every moment of it" she says and trails her hands to my zipper.

I look at her in shock. She never fails to surprise me. Here I thought she was coming out here to have a go at me for ending things. Now she's on her knees abiut to shove my cock in her mouth.

She takes me into her mouth and looks up at me with a devilish smirk.

"fuck em" I groan as she pushes my cock to the back of her throat. I grip her hair in my hands and loose it.

I fuck her mouth aggressively and I can tell by how her body reacts she loves it.

I push my cock all the way down untill she gags slightly.but when she looks up at me again, that's it.

I release into her mouth.

"swallow" I tell her  and she does, smiling.

"my turn" I say and her cheeks go red. The fact she still gets shy after everything amazes me. I pull her up off her feet and lay back on the sofa and she looks at me confused.

"Come here" I say and she moves closer, climbing on top of me.

        ♥︎♡︎ 𝑠𝑒𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 ♡︎♥︎

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