𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐺𝑢𝑖𝑙𝑡

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Jaxon's POV

It was my fault.

I think I knew deep down she wasn't okay, I knew she needed to talk to me and open up but I was so set on going after Mikhail that I didn't allow her to.

When I heard her cry like that on the phone I knew she had lost it. I told her to go home and wait for me and that it was going to be okay.

I don't know if it will be. I don't know if she will ever be okay and that scares me so much.

When I eventually did get off my flight I hurried back to the house and I think a part of me will always replay that moment when I walked into the house and she was curled up on the sofa.

It hurt so fucking much.

When I walked over to her I could see she was asleep but what hurt even more was that her eyes and cheeks were still puffy telling me she had fell asleep crying.

And I wasn't here.

Thomas walked in and stopped when he saw me. I had tears in my eyes and I know he knew that I had realized what I've done.

I wipe my face and bend down and hook my arm gently under her legs and my other arm under her.

I pick her up and bringing her as close to my chest as I can and carry her upstairs.

I look down at her and feel my eyes watering all over again. I should of helped her more instead of letting her suffer on her own.

I kick open the bedroom door as gentle as I can and walk over to the bed. I bring her down onto it and she stirs a bit before curling up again.

I notice how she holds herself even in her sleep almost as if she's trying to protect herself even now.

Something I'm supposed to do.

I'm supposed to protect her. All the time, everyday every hour.

I pull off my jacket and drape it over the chair before crawling onto the bed behind her ,slowly.

I wrap my arm over her holding her to me and she turns slightly but then took herself into me.

I hold her to me never wanting to let her go.

I place a light kiss on the top of her head and I cry.

Because it hurts. I've tried to not think about what she might of gone through but that was selfish,it's not about me it's about her.

I should of been there.

"I'm sorry" I whisper as I rest my head against hers.

Emily's POV

pain. When your young and you hurt yourself all you want is your mum. To kiss it better or to tell you your going to be alright. But I never got that.

My dad wasn't affectionate in anyway so all I had was myself.

But now I'm older the pain hurts even more and I've realized I can't do it by myself.

And that's okay. It's okay to need help.

I think.

I open my eyes slowly and they feel heavy and dry. I want to close them straight away and not think about last night.

Maybe if I go back to sleep the pain won't be there when I wake up.

"Em" a voice whispers and I freeze. Jax.

He's here? I slowly turn my body and open my eyes to meet his.

I don't respond At first but then I cry.

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