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Yana @hirayanawari

Hindi man ako jumbo hotdog pero kaya ko 'to

1:34 PM • 03/18/XX

2↩️ 0🔁 5❤️

Kali @Kaligayahanmo • 3m
Replying to @hirayanawari
Mahilig lang sa tender juicy jumbo hotdog ✋🏻


Yana @hirayanawari • 3m
Replying to @Kaligayahanmo
Ang dumi-dumi mo! 😗

Dani @danikann • 3m
Replying to @hirayanawari
Ano na naman ginawa mo?


Yana @hirayanawari • 2m
Replying to @danikann
Wala! And that's the biggest mistake I made in my life.


Klax @malaklax • 2m
Replying to @hirayanawari and @danikann
based on my intellectual capacity and my vast knowledge, tactically and tentatively, right from the beginning, of times especially in the light of Ecclesiastes evolution I have come to a concrete, definite and profound conclusion that I actually have nothing to say thank you.


Yana @hirayanawari • 2m
Replying to @malaklax and @danikann
Umalis ka dito jejemon na pandak!

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