"Ok I will take my things and leave your house thank you for letting us stay here," I said in my small voice while biting my lower lips as some warm tears were about to form at the corner of my eyes. I looked at Mint with hurt eyes. 

Don't worry we will find a place to stay until then no one can separate us. 

I passed my message to him with my little watery eyes and like a good boy, he moved near me like he understood what I was trying to convey to him. I moved and took Mint in my hands and turned to go to my room to pack my bags. I should have prepared myself for this day if not today he would have found Mint then he would have found him out some other day still he would have made me leave the house. He kept looking at my sad face. Passing beside him I was about to go back to my room when he took hold of my upper hand making me stop. I looked at him with confused eyes. Sadness was still glinting in my eyes. He looked at me with his cold eyes and then at Mint who was looking back at him with his puppy eyes. 

"I'm going to regret it so much," he mumbled to himself as he closed his eyes for mere seconds like imagining things he is going to face. Opening his eyes he looked at me with something changed in his eyes. This time his eyes are not as mad as before or not even cold like ice. Like they were a few seconds ago. He clenched and uncleaned his jaw like deciding to say it or not. I just stood there looking at him with furrowed brows. 

"You can stay here, don't let him come out of your room," he said in his not so angry voice, which didn't sound that mad anymore. I looked at him with wide shocked eyes. I didn't expect him to say those words to me. I let Mint go out of my hands in shock. "Stop looking at me like that before I change my mind," he said while letting go of my hand. I smiled listening to his words. 

"Thank you so much for letting us stay. You are the best," I said while jumping and wrapping my hands around him in happiness. His body went stiff as my actions caught him off guard. Now he was the one who was looking at me with wide eyes. I smile looking at his face. For the last time, I said my thanks to him and took Mint back to my room. At night I slept with a relieved smile on my face as I didn't have to stay with fear of Erick discovering Mint and kicking us out. 

The next day I made sure to make him a good breakfast with a thank you note but we had breakfast together before he left for work. I kept smiling at him but he didn't smile a bit. Before going he patted awkwardly on the Mints' head as Mint was roaming around him as if he was his new favorite person. From the look on Erick's face, I knew he didn't like an animal much but he made a small effort to like him and it warms my heart. 

It's confirmed now he is just rude from outside. I didn't know what made him put this rude expression all the time on his face. It makes me curious to know what is making him keep his guard up all the time. What is the reason behind this nature of him? Mint was wiggling his tail beside Erick until he left for work. He didn't say a word about the thank you note though and just left like always without saying anything. 

He even works on the weekend so he must have a tough job. Maybe that is the reason he is rude or mad all the time. For the rest of my day, I was sprawling all over the house as it was my holiday. I watched the movie and then in the evening took Mint for a walk and he was so happy. I knew he missed nature as he always kept looking out of the window whenever we were alone in a room. I enjoyed my weekend fully as they were grey eye monster-free. 

But every good thing has to end as Monday comes soon. I made sure to reach my work on time. I didn't want to hear his taunt again for my late coming. I kept working hard like always following all the unwanted demands of him. All the time I worked I would find him looking at me with his calm but yet stormy grey eyes. It always passed a chill to my spine but I ignored him and kept working hard as I didn't want his words of me quitting to come true. I made sure to eat my food on time and stopped skipping it. 

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