#36 * Like Old Times

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"What are you complaining about? You have wings, you can just fly if your feet are tired." Athena reminded her.

"Yeah, but that doesn't make me any less sweaty or thirsty." Nike deflected the argument.

"Just be patient. This is not what I was planning, but I need you to lose that attitude before we go on with anything." The daughter of Zeus said.

The angel stopped, but Athena kept walking. Was her girlfriend serious right now? Stupid question of course she was. Her name was Athena. She quickly caught up with her.

After another while of hiking the pair reached the ruins of the parthenon. As usual a bunch of tourists crowded the place. The wisdom goddess ignored each and every one of them and just entered what was left of the temple.

Seeing it in its current state hurt her. Her once so magnificent temple now crumbled apart. And those mortal idiots who put in the iron supports, what were they even thinking?

The goddess pushed her feelings aside and walked up to a huge pedestal in the middle of the ruins.

"Now what?" Nike asked sitting down.

"Now we do what we came for." Athena smirked.

"Have s*x in your temple?" The angel joked with a smirk of her own.

"No. It has been done before and let me tell you it didn't end well." The wisdom goddess said with a faked glare.

Even though the glare was fake Nike was smart enough to know it was no joke. If she hadn't been her girlfriend she'd have been reduced to ash.

"Then what are we doing miss guide?" The victory goddess asked.

"We are going to re-enact us." Athena said.

"How do we 're-enact' us?" Nike asked confused.

"Remember the statue that used to stand here?" The daughter of Zeus asked.

"The tall one with the ivory and gold? The one found and retrieved by some demigods and a satyr?" The angel asked even more confused.

"Yes, that one."

"What about it?"

"Remember how in that statue you stand on my hand? Showing off a laurel?" Athena asked.

"Baby please get to the point. You know I love you and that I love hearing you talk about the things you love, but please I did not climb this acropolis in this heat so you can lecture me about a statue." Nike pleaded.

"Fine, fine. The point is I want us to re-enact the statue. Right here, right now." The wisdom goddess explained.

"Uhu, uhu... Key point, what about the dozens of tourists around?" The victory goddess pointed out.

"They would have stopped us if they saw us enter this place because it's 'off limits'."

"So you're saying they can't see us? At all?" Nike asked.

"Not at all." Athena confirmed.

Excitement started to build up in the victory goddess. It was a completely ridiculous idea, yet it would certainly make her day less boring.

"Alright let's do it." The angel said with a smile.

The daughter of Zeus snapped her fingers and both of them were wearing the exact same clothes their statue forms used to wear.

All of a sudden a dark brown snake came from behind a column. It nestled itself at Athena's feet. Nike swallowed at the sight of the animal. She was about to ask where it came from when she remembered that snakes are sacred to her girlfriend.

Why she would chose such a creepy creature? The angel had no clue.

Just as the snake had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, so too sat on the top of the temple. The owl wasn't needed to complete the statue they were trying to re-enact, but the victory goddess figured the animal liked being around its mistress.

In her own hand Nike summoned two laurels. One for on her head and the other to hold.

"Are you ready?" Athena asked.

Nike nodded. In turn the wisdom goddess stepped onto the huge pedestal. Slowly she started growing taller and taller. Right until the point where she was about 11,5 metres tall. (A/n: sorry to all you english/American kiddos, but I don't know anything about you guys' metric system...)

Giant Athena bent down and held out her hand for Nike to step onto. And just like the statue the victory goddess stood there in the palm of her girlfriends hand. The wisdom goddess winked at the angel.

From way up here, the view was quite outstanding. Nike had to admit. Athena was a dam genius.

Athena x NikeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ