"So Nike where's Athena?" Her sister Bia asked.

"Home." Nike replied.

She had to keep herself from sighing. She knew her girlfriend had the right to decline. Besides Athena would be a pain in her *ss if she came against her own will. But was it so wrong that Nike wanted her around for a night out? Just one? That's all she asked for...

"Again?" Dike rolled her eyes.

(Author's note: Hey kids, just to let you know Dike is an actual goddess of justice in greek myth. For people who read the names the English way I get that it sounds very familiar to a particular slur used for lesbians, but I want to clarify that this is literally her name and in no way does it refer to the slur. - Athena_9909)

"Yup." The victory goddess said miserably.

"She does not know what fun means does she?" The goddess of justice shook her head.

"Don't be like that of course she does." The angel glared a bit at her friend.

"Yeah, maybe between the two of you, but with other people? Face it as it is little sister. Athena will always be... different." Bia said, putting her hand on Nike's lap.

The victory goddess ignored the statement and downed what was left in her wine glass. She loved Athena for who she was and she hated it when people judged her like this. Although a small part, very deep down inside agreed with her sister.

"Maybe it wouldn't have happened if you just came along." Nike muttered.

Athena's scowl turned into a glare.

"How on earth would that have made any difference?" The wisdom goddess retorted.

"Maybe if you'd been there I wouldn't have drank so much because I was with you. Maybe if you'd been there you could've told me to stop." The angel snapped.

"You were there with you're friends, you weren't alone. They could've stopped you too." The daughter of Zeus growled.

Her eyes were still glowing gold. Nike missed the cool grey she usually saw. Gold was bad because it meant she was really angry. Grey meant it was an easy fix and not that serious.

"Or you could be a proper girlfriend and come with me for once!" The angel yelled in a fit of rage, finally at her breaking point.

Something inside Athena snapped. The golden glow in her eyes became more intense and Nike felt a certain pressure to fight someone, no doubt her lover's aura as a war goddess that was radiating off of her.

"Oh I see. I'm not good enough as a girlfriend because I don't join in on fancy parties. I'm not good enough because you can't show me off to everybody else. All the other things I do for you don't matter apparently because only going with you would make me good enough huh?!" Athena screamed.

Her heart was beating in her chest, her breathing was heavy and tears rolled down her cheeks. Not once in her immortal lifetime did anyone manage to hurt her the way the angel just did.

"That not what I was-" The victory goddess started, but she was cut off.

"Saying?! That is exactly what you just said!" The daughter of Zeus exclaimed.

Athena paced in front of the door. Where was she? She should've been back by now. Just as she was about to leave and see if she could find Nike Dike and Bia came into her view.

They stumbled down the road and were quite loud. In between them hung a wasted angel. Athena's worry overtook her and she rushed towards the trio.

"There you are! Nike are you alright?" She asked.

As soon as the wisdom goddess put a hand on Nike, both Bia and Dike dropped her. Thank the fates for her reflexes or the victory goddess would've hit the ground for sure.

"Y-you're... Beauti....ful.." Nike stammered, before losing her conscious and slumping in her girlfriends arms.

"What happened to her?" Athena glared at Bia.

She was her sister. How could she let this happen.

"Nothingggg. She's fineeee. She just has to sleep it off and she'll be back to normal tomorrowwww." Bia chuckled, dragging her words.

"Yeahhhhh she just had a little too much to drink that's allllll." Dike jumped in with a smirk.

"That's all?!" Athena's head snapped towards Dike.

Was she even serious?! Stupid question. Of course not. She was drunk. Both of them were and she could only assume her girlfriend was as well. Hopefully that was the only thing.

"Get inside." The wisdom goddess grumbled.

She followed both of them as they stumbled inside, Bia almost tripping over her own feet. Both Bia and Dike dropped on the couch and soon enough they fell asleep in one another's arms.

The daughter of Zeus ignored the pair and went upstairs with Nike still in her arms. She placed her on the bed and put a hand on her head. It was hot.

Athena muttered an ancient greek curse and went to get a piece of cloth. She also brought a glass of water and an aspirin. There was no doubt Nike would be needing those when she woke up.

"What did you get yourself into this time?" The wisdom goddess whispered as she dabbed the wet cloth on the angel's forehead.

"I didn't mean it like that and you know it." Nike said.

"Do I? Because it sounded like you really meant it Nike!" Athena growled.

"Athena I-"

"No. You know what? If I'm not good enough maybe you should find someone else who is. Someone who'll go to your fancy parties and someone who likes drinking as much as you. Then you can both get wasted and fall unconscious whenever you like!"

Without another word or look the wisdom goddess turned on her heel and left. She had no desire to stay where she was not wanted or appreciated. It hurt her more than anything to leave things behind in a mess like this, but she couldn't stay here any longer in this moment.

Nike only truly realised what she had said when the door slammed. She cursed herself and her babbling mouth. She might have just lost Athena...

(Author's note: sorry, not sorry. It can't always be rainbows and sunshine. Sometimes it has to be lightning and tunderstorms x)

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