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Hiccup's eyes widened in equal fear as another pain shot through Astrid's belly, making her gasp in pain. His mind raced as he thought about the possibility that...

"No... No, it can't be." He thought.

Ethan took a moment to check her over.

"Hayes, step on it!" Ethan called. "We have another baby on the way."


They made it to the hospital, where the group was already waiting, and were immediately rushed inside to the labor room.

"Hiccup, what's going on?" Heather wondered as they followed them through the corridors.

"I have no idea."


After hours and hours of torturous agony. There was still no second baby.

"Hiccup, I can't..." Astrid rasped out as exhaustion overtook her. "I can't do this anymore."

"You're Astrid." Hiccup reminded. "You can do anything."

"The baby is in a difficult position. We may have to prepare for a c-section."

The sudden beeping of the machine beside her shocked the both of them.

"Okay, The baby's heart rate is dropping. We need to get this baby out." Ethan informed.


A nurse had been sent to call the group into the room.

"Hiccup? Where's Astrid?" Heather asked the auburn-haired teen as he stared down at his daughter.

"Surgery." He stated plainly.

"What?!" Fishlegs gasped "Is she okay?"

"C-section." He told them. "It's twins."

"Wait, what?!" Heather gasped.

"Congrats, Hiccy!" Tuff cheered.

Heather made her way to Hiccup and placed a friendly hand on his shoulder.

"The baby's heart rate was dropping. She couldn't get him out. They had to rush her into theater." He explained.

"Shouldn't you be with her?" Fishlegs asked.

"They had to put her under general. She wanted me to stay here." He told them.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" Heather asked. Hiccup nodded.

"Only if Astrid agrees to it." He chuckled.

"Let's hear it."

"Well, for her first name, I was thinking Zaya."

"That's cute. How's you come up with that?" Heather wondered.

"It's Astrid's mother's name. And for a middle name... I wanted to honor you. For everything you've done for us." Heather's face lit up. "So I was gonna give her your middle name. If that's okay with you?"

"Zaya Mai?" Heather thought. "I love it! Thanks, Hiccup."


Astrid awoke to the sickening smell of disinfectant.

"Hiccup?" She wheezed.

"Astrid?!" He swung around from where he was stood and raced to her side. "You're awake."


"He's okay." Hiccup reassured.

"He?" She smiled drowsily.

"Looks like we both won the bet." He chuckled.

Astrid poked out her tongue before attempting to sit herself up.


"They're right over there." He gestured. "They're both incredibly small, but they're strong. I think they're gonna be okay."

"I wanna see them."

Hiccup nodded and brought both children over. Astrid gazed through the glass at her children. Both of them.

"They're so small." She sighed.

"The girl is 3lbs 10 ounces. And the boy is 3lbs 2 ounces. Even I was 4lbs."

"They're Hiccups?" She chuckled.

"Perfect." Hiccup rolled his eyes.

"At least we both get to pick a name. Any ideas?" She asked.

"Actually, yeah. I was thinking... Zaya Mai."

Astrid smiled widely. A tear fought its way down her cheek.


"I think it's important to honor her. After all, she gave me, you." He stated. "What about our little man? Any names?"

"Just one."

"If you say Hiccup Jr, I will scream." He warned.

"Actually I was thinking of honoring the twins and Fishlegs..." She looked away nervously.

"Why the twins?"

"Ruff has been a pretty good friend. And Tuff helped out when Zaya was being born. Anyway, I was thinking Loki Justin."

"Loki Hofferson." Hiccup thought.

"Haddock." Astrid corrected. "They're both Haddocks."

"I'm not gonna argue with that." He chuckled.

"Zaya and Loki." Astrid smiled down at their new set of twins. Astrid rested a hand over her son's incubator while Hiccup did the same with their daughter. Their little family was perfect. As was the moment.

Hiccup wrapped his free arm around Astrid and placed a soft kiss on her lips. She bit her lip to contain her smile and leaned against his shoulder.

It was a perfect moment indeed.


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