Girl Talk

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"Fishlegs, you're in charge. Don't let them break anything." Heather pleaded.

She walked Astrid upstairs to Hiccup's room and closed the door. She suddenly heard Astrid cry out from behind her and spun to see her knelt on the floor clutching her stomach, in pain. Heather immediately dropped to her knees behind the blonde and wrapped her arms around her waist, rocking her back and forth.

After a few minutes, the pain began to fade.

"Thanks," Astrid whispered.


"How... How did you know what to do?"

"Instinct, I guess." Heather paused before letting go. She helped the blonde to Hiccup's bed. "I still think you should've seen a doctor."

"I don't like doctors," Astrid admitted. She looked away, nervously, clutching the side of her hoodie.

"Astrid, you've been out of sorts all day. Hiccup's right. Whatever is going on, it's getting worse." Heather stated. "You were sick all night, then you passed out, now you're in pain. What if it's serious? What if-" She paused, lost in thought for a moment.


The raven-haired teen rolled her eyes in realization.

"Astrid," She whispered. "How long has it been since Halloween?"

"Three weeks and three days. Why?" The blonde wondered.

"I'll be right back." Heather sighed. "Try and rest."


"Carter," Heather called the brunette away from the group. "Where's the nearest convenience store?"

"There's one just down the road. Want me to walk you down there?" She offered.

"No thanks, I got it." Heather declined. "Besides, Fishlegs might need your help."


Heather returned. No Astrid insight.

"Astrid?" Heather placed her shopping bag beside the bed and knocked on the ensuite bathroom door. "Everything okay?"

"I'm fine. Do NOT come in here!" Astrid exhaled.

Heather creaked the door open, to find her huddled over the toilet.


She rushed over and grabbed her hair, tucking it away from her face as she finished.

"I'm pretty sure I said DON'T come in here." Astrid rasped out.

"And I'm pretty sure I didn't listen," Heather informed. Astrid slowly sat up with a painful and disgusted expression on her face. "Shhh, I know. Hold on." She got up quickly and rushed around for a minute or two before returning to Astrid, who was sat against the wall with her legs crossed and her eyes closed, taking deep breaths.

"Hiccup called," Heather stated, catching the blonde's attention. "He wanted me to tell you, they got the results from Stoick's head scan."

"Something's wrong, isn't it?" Astrid gasped.

"He has a shadow," Heather explained. "They want to do a biopsy to find out more."

"He'll never go for it." Astrid declared.

"Maybe not." Heather agreed. "But right now, we need to figure out what's wrong with you." She said. "I think I may know. But, just in case I'm wrong..."

Astrid froze, staring down at the box Heather handed to her.

"Heather, I already told you, I can't-"

"Have kids, I know. But you said it MIGHT not be possible." Heather reminded. "And the timing, the symptoms, it all seems to add up." She explained.

"Very funny." Astrid chuckled, nervously. Heather glared at her. "Okay, it's not that funny." She sighed. "I'm late."

"How late?" Heather wondered.

"A week." She paused. "Or two. That's why I didn't want to get checked at the hospital. Hiccup has enough going on right now. This is the last thing he needs."

"We don't know anything for sure." Heather consolidated. "Take the test, if you're not, then we carry on as normal, if you aren't feeling better in a few days, you go to the doctor. If you are, we can go from there. Okay?" Astrid nodded hesitantly. "I'll be right outside."


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