Slumber party

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"Tuff? Are you crying?" Heather chuckled as the movie finally ended.

"No!" He quipped. "I just have a bug in each one of my eyes. And it's irritating them both equally." He fibbed, rubbing his tearful eyes. The group all glared at him. "FINE! I was crying. It was just such a beautiful story. How she lied to protect him, even though it hurt her. You people have no souls!" He sobbed, dramatically.

"So, what do we do now?" Snotlout groaned. "I'm bored."

"TRUTH OR DARE!" The twins cheered, Tuffnut was suddenly feeling much better.

"I'm game." Carter agreed. The group all nodded in agreement.

"Rules!" Hiccup interrupted.

"Ugh. Rules are no fun!" Ruffnut moaned.

"No breaking anything, no stealing anything. No trashing the place! This is still my father's house." Hiccup listed.

"Fine! I'll go first. Snotlout..." Tuffnut called. "Truth or dare, my man?"

"Dare!" Snotlout prepared himself. "That's right! Bring it on. The Snotman isn't afraid of anything!"

"I dare you to..." The male twin thought hard for a moment. "Let Astrid update your Facebook status!"

The blonde perked up instantly, suddenly enjoying this game a lot more than she was a few seconds ago.

"What?!" Snotlout shrieked.

"Come on, Snotlout," Astrid smirked. "Hand it over!" She extended her hand, wiggling her fingers. Snotlout hesitantly passed his phone over and Astrid immediately started typing. After a few seconds, she handed the phone back.

"I had a dream last night that a ballerina and a dolphin were throwing peanuts at me. Dreams are so fun." Snotlout read. "So, I have ballerina dreams. That's just perfect."

"That was random, how did you come up with that?" Heather wondered.

"I read Snotlout's diary when we were twelve." Astrid chuckled. "He had a lot of weird dreams. So I mixed 'em together."

"Okay, my turn!" Snotlout smirked, mischievously. "Astrid, truth or dare?"

"Dare." She replied confidently.

"I dare you to eat the day-old sushi I found in the fridge." He gave an evil grin.

Astrid smiled and shrugged.

"Sorry, Snotlout." She smirked. "Can't do that."

"What's the matter? You scared?" He laughed.

"Snotlout, you know that Astrid has done dares much worse than that." Hiccup reminded.

"So what's the problem?"

"She's pregnant, Snotlout. She's not allowed to eat raw fish." Heather explained.

"Fine!" He scoffed. "Stupid baby." He muttered under his breath.

"Did you really just say that?!" Astrid jumped up. Her hands balled into fists, her sleeves rolled up, her brow furrowed and her face red with fury. Heather raced to hold her back before Snotlout lost a limb. Or two.

"Feeling a little hormonal, are we?" Snotlout was tempted to slap himself at this point. Why did he have to say stupid things at inappropriate moments? If only there was something in his head to control the things he says.

"Hiccup? A little help?" The raven-haired teen looked back at the auburn-haired boy as Astrid fought for freedom, suddenly realizing that he wasn't going to be much help right now.

Immediately, Hiccup's cheeks flushed, and his facial muscles became rigid as he stomped towards his cousin. Grabbing him by his collar, he jerked him close to his face, gritting his teeth as he said,

"Say it again! I dare you!"

Anger curled hot and unstoppable in his gut, like a blazing inferno that wanted to burn him from the inside out.

Astrid was fighting herself free from Heather's clutches, but her roommate refused to let her go.

"Does someone wanna help here?!" Heather pleaded.

"Nah, I wanna see how this goes." Tuffnut declared as he and his sister tucked into some popcorn. Fishlegs was humming nervously.

"Hiccup, don't!" Heather shouted, since the others weren't being very helpful, there wasn't a lot else she could do.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna hit him." Hiccup released Snotlout. "I should. But I won't." He walked away slowly. Snotlout let out a sigh of relief. A little too soon.

Astrid suddenly twisted out of Heather's grasp throwing her fist into Snotlout's jaw.

"He might not. But I will." She scowled before heading back to Hiccup.

"Feel better?" Hiccup smiled, pulling her into his lap.


Hiccup took her hands and their fingers wove together as Astrid laid her head on his chest, closing her eyes and trying to refrain from kissing him in the heat of the moment.

Hiccup gently swept the hair away from his girlfriend's face before placing his hand back into Astrid's. He loved this feeling, the feeling of comfort and warmth. He never wanted to get up again.

Astrid felt so comfortable that she could have fallen asleep to the accelerating beat of Hiccup's heart and the warmth of his skin.

She hummed contently to herself while the others continued chatting. She gently traced circles on Hiccup's stomach with her finger as she often did. It was a quirky habit of hers that he loved so much. She soon dozed off in his arms.

"Guys, keep your voices down." Hiccup warned.

"Wow, she must really be exhausted." Fishlegs thought.

"It's been a long day." Hiccup explained.

"And she hasn't been sleeping," Heather added.

"So, the person that wakes her up, will be saving me a seat in Valhalla, understood?" Hiccup whispered, attempting to sound mildly intimidating.

"So, how are you feeling about all this?" Heather asked.

"Me?" Hiccup wondered. "I'm great." He explained. "I mean, the timing isn't great, but no use crying over things we can't change right? Besides, having a little Astrid running around. I couldn't be happier."

"What if it's a little Hiccup?" Heather smirked.

"Well, a boy would be amazing too. But, please for the love of Thor, don't let him be a Hiccup!"

"Are you gonna tell Stoick?"

Hiccup froze.


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