Me and guilt were best friends today. "Is Orion okay?"

"Yes—but sadly he will wake none the wiser."

~ ~

We were alone. I looked at him as my hand brushed against his, the connection instant. His lips looked so tempting as my heart beat a little faster just looking at them.  He looked so peaceful and damn hot... which only increased my attraction to him. I pictured him smiling with those sexy as fuck dimples, teasing me.

I couldn't deny the mate pull between us.  Want coursed through my veins as my insides churned like a magical hush of an impending brewing storm.  Closing my eyes, I let the electrical current race up through my fingers, up my arms, and across my chest before heading south. It was becoming the norm that my lady parts went haywire when we touched, not even needing touch, just his smell... Nutella.

Did he feel it too?  

"Bugger this!" I stood and pried off my ballet shoes. Eve said my closeness would speed up the healing. 

Creepy?  Maybe.  But if he wanted me to shift—he would have to damn well wake up and tell me to move!

I climbed onto the bed, lying on my side facing towards him, but kept my hands to myself with my head resting on level with his shoulders. "I hope you don't mind. Eve said you won't be awake for hours."  I paused to see if he would open his eyes and yell at me to move away. 

Nope... all quiet. 

My hand ached to feel his skin beneath my fingers.  What harm could it do?  "I'm going to place my hand over your heart. So speak up now—or forever hold your peace."  I smiled at the wedding reference as I lay my hand gently over his beating heart.

Relaxing, perhaps it was a good time to tell him about myself, how I felt?  Taking a deep breath. "I've been perfectly fine on my own, in some ways its was probably been for the best." I glanced up.

"But the second I saw you...smelled you, I knew I found what I'd been missing...a home.  You felt like home."  I sighed as the words tumbled out. "I need you to give me a chance before you decide to reject me." 

What—where did that come from?  I cringed at sound of my words, almost begging... although they were the truth.

Okay.  He can't hear us.  No harm done. 

I dared to snuggle a little closer. "I'm sorry about your brother.  I'm guessing he's not the smart one of the family?" Being this close, his smell was calming as I continued.

"You need you to know that nothing would have happened. I was angry at you, when I saw you with her... that she-wolf." I paused, still no response.

"You also need to know you can tell me anything, nothing would make me think any less of you."  I was tempted to tell him about what lurked inside me, but even out cold, I couldn't say the words.   "I have secrets too," I whispered.

"Anyway, whilst I have your complete attention."  I grinned.  "I want to share some things about me."  Here goes... "I'm kind, loyal, and hilarious.  But maybe a little...well a lot...outspoken and stubborn.  Oh, and my language can be less than ladylike at times."  Fuck, I was supposed to telling him the good stuff. 

My head popped up as I heard a creak in the door.

A female, a very tall female with silky long brunette hair, stood in the doorway. 

Fuck me, she was beautiful. 

Her hair lifted slightly from the draft created by the open door.  She wore a white dress which swirled around her long, lean legs. She looked like someone who was wearing their Sunday best to attend a tea-party.  Quite different to all the other pack females I'd seen.

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