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Balan POV - Suddenly the mirror disappeared as I began to sob hard. "God (Y/N) I'm sorry I'm so fucking sorry what have I done!? What have I fucking done!?" Just then I heard a chuckle as Lance reappeared spinning around I grabbed him by the throat never have I been so angry!

Balan - Why?! I DEMAND TO KNOW WHY!!!

Balan POV - Lance tried to pull away but I held his throat tighter tears streaming down my face.


Balan POV - I began to raise my fist in the air creating a beam of light as he chuckled.

Lance - You can't kill me with magic remember?

Balan - But it's ok for you to rape someone I love?!?

Lance - *Smirks*

Balan - I'm aware of the consequences if I violate my contract I'd be chained here forever and lose my magic but at what point have you crossed the line at what point do I say screw the contract!? *tears* you took him away from me his heart his innocents everything!!

Balan POV - I was about to hit him with a beam of light until I heard a faint voice. I lowered my fist as the light began to fade looking around the voice got louder I looked back at Lance before tossing him roughly on the ground. I began to float up in the air as I heard faint crying it sounded like (Y/N)

Lance - *growls* How?! I made his heart dark!

Balan POV - Ignoring Lance I looked around hearing the cry more clearly it was (Y/N)! He was crying for me I flew in the direction of the cry as it got louder. "Hang on sweetheart hang on!" I flew faster as I began to glow the box appearing infront of me opening itself up. My eyes went wide seeing my contract begun to glow as well "it was rewriting itself!?" I looked behind me and saw Lance catching up annoyed.

Lance - Impossible! How are you changing your contract!?

Balan POV - The crying got louder and louder

I want Balan! *sobs*

Balan POV - I suddenly felt Lance grab my foot not before the Contract began to glow around Lance stopping him in place creating bars around him. My eyes went wide in confusion but I didn't care it was letting me get to (Y/N) I flew faster suddenly I teleported flying into his bedroom grabbing him holding him close to my chest as he sobbed.

Conner - Balan?!?

Balan - shhh shhh

Balan POV - I held (Y/N) close to me wrapping a blanket around him as I began to shake.

Balan - I'm sorry love! God I'm so sorry!

Balan POV - I held him close rocking back and forth kissing his head multiple times rubbing his back

Balan - I'm sorry I'm so so sorry please forgive me *tears*

Conner - Lance He ... *tears*

Balan - I know he made me watch *tears* I'm aware

Conner - Oh god!

Balan POV - I continued holding (Y/N) No amount of sorries could make up for the amount of stuff I've put him through.

Balan - I love you so much I'm sorry *sobs* I'm sorry for leaving you for letting you go like that God I'm sorry what Lance has done to you I won't ever let you go like that again please I beg of you to forgive me please! *tears*

Balan POV - I closed my eyes tightly tears falling off my face I suddenly felt a hand caressing my cheek. Slowly I opened my eyes and saw (Y/N) trying to comfort me his eyes pupils began to lighten back up as I kept crying holding him closer in my lap.

Conner - H-how did you get here I thought the contract wouldn't let you *frowns*

Balan - I'm not sure it let me *tears* it condemned Lance to putting him behind glowing bars

Balan POV - I looked back down at (Y/N) stroking his face seeing him snuggled in the blanket.

Balan - He won't hurt you anymore *tears* he won't lay another finger on you understand?!

Male Reader - *sniffles*

Balan POV - Gently I picked him up in my arms holding him close I couldn't stop myself from crying I held the back of his head as He stayed wrapped in a blanket like a cocoon.

Balan - I'm never letting you go again *tears* I love you so much do you understand me?!

Conner - I saw how upset Balan was holding (Y/N) like his life depended on it I looked down feeling guilty of what I said before.

Conner - Balan... I'm so sorry for what I've said before *tears up*

Conner POV - Suddenly I felt Balan pull me into a hug crying as he continued holding (Y/N) close to him I hugged back tightly crying as well.

Balan - After awhile I let go of Conner still holding (Y/N) the box poofed up again as the contract floated out my eyes went wide.

Conner - H-how?

Balan POV - I gently opened it up and saw it was continuing to rewrite itself. Then before I knew it (Y/N) contract appeared it looked like the old one except this time his had a red stamp on the inside. After a few seconds of reading I gave a shocked expression as the two pieces of paper rolled back up into the box before disappearing.

Conner - W-what happend? *frowns*

Balan - To my knowledge it's letting me move between worlds now for (Y/N)

Conner - That's great! *tears up* but why now what happened?

Balan - I-I'm not sure ...

Conner - What about the red stamp?

Balan - .... it's to ensure his safety Lance can never hurt him again it's an extremely rare stamp something that I have yet to see until now

Balan POV - I thought to myself was it something I've said that triggered this? My eyes went wide realizing what was said.

So I can't kill you with magic but you can rape the one I love!?

What Line has to be crossed for me to say screw the contract?!

Balan - ....From my understanding Lance was punished it would seem he was abusing his contract while penalizing mine.....

Conner - Will (Y/N) be ok? *frowns*

Balan - Yes I'll make sure of it

Conner - It will take a long time for him to heal from this

Balan - *frowns* I have all the time in the world he won't ever lose me

Conner - Since you can go with (Y/N) now I'm not needed around....

Balan - if you ever wish to visit on Tim Island you know where the train is you are allowed to welcome yourself...

Conner - *smiles* Thankyou

Balan - Do you wish to come with us now?

Conner - No he needs you right now

Balan POV - *nods* I held (Y/N) close snapping my fingers teleporting us back on Tim Island.

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