Explosive Argument

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Male Reader POV - I gave Balan a hug as he kissed my cheek causing me to giggle.

Balan - Make sure you stay safe understand?

Male Reader - *nods* I will *smiles* so where will you be today?

Balan - I'm not sure all these stores are very interesting and make me quite curious perhaps I'll go downtown more

Male Reader - Alright be careful *smiles*

Balan - *chuckles* always darling

Male Reader POV - I waved as I began to walk up to the school holding my bookbag close. Once I got inside my chest began to beat fast it was awkward walking in the hallways since yesterday's incident. Just then I felt a tap on my shoulder "huh?" Looking behind me I saw Drew as he smiled at me.

Male Reader - D-drew?!

Drew - Hey man how's it been going?

Male Reader POV - I gave a big smile it was suprising seeing him here but quickly frowned remembering something.

Male Reader - I thought you were suspended until tomorrow?

Drew - Mr. Landers called me this morning he said I was off suspension early

Male Reader - Wait he's here today?!

Drew - Huh? Yeah why??

Male Reader POV - I frowned giving Drew a sad look explaining the whole story of what happened yesterday.

Drew - God I'm sorry that has happened

Male Reader - Has he acted ok this morning?

Drew - I'm not sure he just talked to me on the phone but he said he was going to be a few min late for class

Male Reader - *frowns* did he sound ok?

Drew - He sounded busy like he was was at a store or something but also sounded sad

Male Reader - Oh...

Drew - It's going to be awkward in class today between him and the other students *scratches back of head*

Male Reader - Yeah but you being here helps the situation

Drew - Well that's good *laughs* ... we should probably get in class now

Male Reader - Yeah

Male Reader POV - Me and Drew walked in the hallway together before getting in the classroom I looked around everyone was giving me a sad or worried look.

Drew - Talk about awkward..

Male Reader POV - I groaned getting to my desk brushing off any dust before sitting down with my bag under the seat soon Drew took his seat behind me.....

Male Reader POV - The room was silent even the others didn't seem to want to talk it felt uncomfortable. After a few minutes past by I saw Mr. Landers come in with a blue plastic bag in his hand it looked like something was inside. He went to his desk putting the bag inside the bottom drawer before getting infront of the class speaking.

Mr. Landers - Class I've wanted to apologize for my behavior towards (Y/N) yesterday it was completely inappropriate of me my actions were an embarrassment to this classroom I do hope you all forgive me

Male Reader POV - I saw Mr. Landers look at me with sorrow in his eyes before looking back at the entire class clearing his throat.

Mr. Landers - As you all are aware this poster board project was going to be due in a few days ..I've decided to just make it as extra credit it will no longer be mandatory...

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