Welcome Home

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Balan POV - After a few minutes I took (Y/N) off my lap slowly getting out of the tub wrapping a towel around my waist before taking the shower head turning the water on making sure it wasn't to hot spraying down his head getting all the soap off of him. Once I made sure all the soap was out of his hair I turned off the shower nozzle and drained all the water from the tub seeing all the soap and water go down.

Balan - Time to get out

Male Reader - awww...

Balan POV - I grabbed a big fluffy blue towel next to me helping him out of the tub before wrapping his body in it holding him close kissing his forhead causing him to giggle.

Balan - If it's not to much trouble may you stay in here for a moment?

Male Reader - Huh? How come? *confused*

Balan - Trust me sweetheart

Male Reader - ... Ok *smiles*


Male Reader POV - After a few minutes of waiting Balan came back in the bathroom getting behind me covering my eyes causing me to freak out alittle.

Male Reader - Wh-whats going on?!

Balan - shhhh calm down just walk forward

Male Reader POV - I began to relax nodding my head walking forward still not being able to see with his hands covering my eyes. Once I took a few steps he took his hands away from my eyes so I could see. I looked around my eyes going wide seeing the room had extra space, on my side of the bed had a closet and dresser my bookbag was neatly hung inside one of the closest hooks I walked over my eyes began to tear up....Their was brand new clothes and extra blankets I walked over to the dresser opening it up inside was a heart frame that had 2 pieces of paper inside upon further inspection I've realized it was both of our notes. Between all the new clothes and heart frame my eyes teared up I turned around look at him.

Male Reader - Ba-Balan what's all this? *Tears*

Male Reader POV - Next thing I knew arms wrapped tightly around my body both of us still in our towels blushing heavily.

Balan - Welcome home love

Male Reader POV - Tears began to run down my face I wasn't alone anymore. No more empty apartment no more depression I'm truly happy ...I'm blessed to have Balan in my life. I hugged back tightly before letting go smiling as he urged me to get my new clothes out of the closet. I went over to the closet again looking inside overwhelmed with how much their was My face scrunched in confusion "what was I going to wear?" Looking around a fluffy sky blue t-shirt and blue jeans caught my eye I began to take them out setting them on the bed along with a fresh pair of boxers.

Balan - Wonderful choice *smiles*

Male Reader POV - I blushed as Balan removed his towel walking over to his side of the bed getting a clean outfit out. My eyes went wide.

Male Reader - A-all your outfits are the same ?

Male Reader - He smiled nodding his head not wanting to question it I Turned back around gently putting on the new boxers feeling them fit snuggled then proceed to put on the jeans and t-shirt everything fit so comfortably. How did he know my size?did the magic help? I shrugged it off turning around seeing Balan was done getting dressed he was in his usual look but I didn't mind as long as he was happy and comfortable.

Balan - Are they comfortable? I've tried to give you only the best their is

Male Reader - Yes thankyou it's nice and comfortable *tears*

Male Reader POV - He walked over caressing my face wiping my tears.

Balan - hush...no tears

Male Reader POV - I smiled nodding my head.

Balan - Shall we eat lunch? After that I've got a suprise for you

Male Reader POV - My eyes went wide "a suprise? How much does he plan on spoiling me?" All I did was smile big blushing he extended his hand I was about to take it until their was a knock at the door. My eyes went wide their was others on Tim Island?

Balan - Hmm?

Male Reader - Balan?

Balan - My apologies it must be one of the Tims at the door they always like to peck at it when they wish to come in

Male Reader - Oh *smiles* maybe it's fluffy?

Balan - Perhaps

Male Reader POV - I nodded going down the stairs Balan following behind me.

Take Me Away To A Magic Wonderworld (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora