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Male Reader POV - I kept sobbing balled up againt the wall for what felt like an hour. Soon the door opened as I heard a voice.

Mr. Landers - You may come in now

Male Reader POV - I was hurt angry sad mad I didn't want to go back in there the awful stuff Mr. Landers said why would I even want to be around him anymore?! I Ignored him scooting farther away keeping my head pressed up against my knees.

Mr. Landers - (Y/N).....

Male Reader - ....*sniffles*

Male Reader POV - I heard the door shut again sighing in relief that he left .....after awhile the bell rang for lunch I looked up rubbing my eyes before getting on my feet... sighing softly I took a deep breath entering the classroom not even looking at Mr. Landers.

Drew - Are you ok? *frowns*

Male Reader - .....

Male Reader POV - I nodded my head grabbing my bookbag under the chair making sure it was zipped up

Drew - Want to have lunch together? *Smiles*

Male Reader POV - I Ignored him still in tears it seem that he understood why though. I then turned around beginning to walk out the door until Mr. Landers blocked my path I kept my head down not looking at him.

Mr. Landers - (Y/N)....

Male Reader POV - I tried to move past him but he grabbed my shoulders causing me to sniffle.

Mr. Landers - Stop please listen *frowns*

Male Reader POV - I got annoyed keeping my head down I pulled his hand away from me moving past him out the door.

Drew - (Y/N) wait up!

Mr. Landers - Why?

Drew - Huh?

Mr. Landers - Why did he ignore me?

Drew - Are you serious? You were cruel to him don't you remember you said you didn't care if he got hurt or cared about his well being you said you didn't want him to bring others down for his negativity

Mr. Landers - ....I was trying to apologize

Drew - Why would he even accepted your apology? You were straight up nasty to him I guess in the end you got what you wanted... you don't care about his well being or want to hear about him being sad so it all works out for you in the end

Mr. Landers POV - I grabbed my head tears began to form in my eyes as Drew ran off chasing after (Y/N) I took a seat in my chair feeling dizzy as I began to cry alittle...
Male Reader POV - I opened my locker putting my bag inside before closing it sighing softly

Drew - Hey (Y/N) wait up!

Male Reader - Huh?

Drew - Want to have lunch together?

Male Reader - I'm not hungry....

Drew - Come on you have to eat!

Male Reader - *frowns* ...ok

Drew - *smiles*

Male Reader POV - I sighed giving in following Drew to the cafeteria....

Male Reader POV - Me and Drew sat down at the table eating quietly.

Drew - Things will be ok

Male Reader POV - I munched on my food quietly. I felt bad this was supposed to be a good time but I was extremely hurt. Just then I saw Mr. Landers walk towards us almost choking on my food.

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