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Male Reader POV - Me and Mr. Stonefield were sitting across from eachother enjoying our icecream. Looking up in the sky was a bright blue sky the sun was shining people were walking around it was lively something I've never seen before.

Male Reader - I never been here before it's nice *smiles*

Mr. Stonefield - Indeed it is....

Male Reader - Is something wrong? *frowns*

Mr. Stonefield - I've just been thinking about some stuff...

Male Reader - Huh?

Mr. Stonefield - It's been concerning me for awhile now

Male Reader - Sir? *frowns*

Mr. Stonefield - ....I'm still thinking about your hand

Male Reader - Huh?

Mr. Stonefield - ...When I saw it yes it was healing but it looked pretty damaged still I know you don't want me prying but I have to ask....did Mr. Landers do that to you?

Male Reader POV - My eyes went wide at what Mr. Stonefield said but shook my head. (No) for some reason he didn't believe me quickly I panicked frowning.

Male Reader - It wasn't Mr. Landers

Mr. Stonefield - Hm?

Male Reader - ....It was Kyle

Mr. Stonefield - ....Why would a student hurt you?

Male Reader - I-.....

Mr. Stonefield - You don't have to defend him (Y/N)

Male Reader - *tears* Sir I'm not! I swear! It really was Kyle

Mr. Stonefield - ....Why then

Male Reader POV - I dropped my icecream tears running down my face grabbing both side of my head frustrated.

Mr. Stonefield POV - Alarmed at what I saw I dropped my icecream as well getting up walking over to (Y/N) grabbing his face between my hands as he cried.

Mr. Stonefield - Shhhhh it's ok everything's ok...please tell me

Male Reader - I-I can't *sobs* it wasn't Mr. Landers I promise!

Mr. Stonefield - ...Then you need to tell me why Kyle did this *frowns*

Mr. Stonefield POV - I saw how much pain (Y/N) was in he's not the kind to lie but I knew he'd do anything to protect Mr. Landers I really want to believe him but how? I was truly torn with the situation. Maybe a gentler approach might help get him to speak?

Mr. Stonefield - (Y/N)....shhh it's ok please tell me I'm not going to be upset with you

Male Reader - I can't *sobs*

Mr. Stonefield POV - I took my hand gently covering his mouth while taking my other hand rubbing the back of his head pulling him close to my chest.

Mr. Stonefield - Shhhhh hush

Mr. Stonefield POV - I gently kissed (Y/N) forhead before pulling back alittle looking into his eyes as he began to calm down but still had fear. Taking my hand I began to move his bangs out of his face while tucking his hair behind his ears.

Male Reader - *sniffles*

Mr. Stonefield - Please tell me *whispers*

Male Reader POV - I began to shake again he couldn't know the reason and lying would only make things worse.

Male Reader - P-please can we forget about it? *tears*

Mr. Stonefield - I can't do that your safety is important to me

Male Reader POV - What was I going to do?! He couldn't know he just couldn't!!! My magic was a secret but what else could I do?! eyes went wide not realizing something giving a small sigh of relief in my head.

Mr. Stonefield - I want to believe you but you have to help me out here!

Male Reader - ....A cop took Kyle away and arrested him *tears* that's how you know it wasn't Mr. Landers

Mr. Stonefield - Which cop?

Male Reader - I-I don't know but he's arrested in this city

Mr. Stonefield - *nods*...I'm going to confirm it myself

Male Reader - *nods* I-I understand

Mr. Stonefield - ...Sweetheart I don't see you as a liar in a bad sense you are to kind for that...I just understand how much you care for Mr. Landers

Male Reader - .....*sniffles*

Mr. Stonefield - But I need to know why still

Male Reader POV - I went pale eyes going wide he seemed to notice as he held me close stroking my hair.

Male Reader - I can't tell you *frowns*

Mr. Stonefield - You need to *stern tone* I can't have you in danger....I care for you to much to let this go

Male Reader POV - He began to stroke my face again moving his hand back behind my neck rubbing up and down putting pressure on my muscle causing me to moan softly relaxing alittle.

Mr. Stonefield - You're so tense *whispers frowning*

Male Reader - I-.....

Male Reader POV - Thinking for a moment he wasn't going to let this go deep down I was terrified but at the same time he was going to find out anyways.

Male Reader - Sir...I'll tell you *tears*

Male Reader POV - I began to shake as Mr. Stonefield held me close rocking me In this moment I was truly scared.

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