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Male Reader POV - Heading back to Wonderworld was terrifying it felt like coming home after getting bad grades on a report card you just didn't want to face your parents....most of the train ride was silent looking at my body was dry blood everywhere. After awhile we began to stop looking out the window I saw Balan with an anger look crossing his arms tapping his foot in the grass causing me to sink down in my seat more. Soon the train stopped and the door opened I saw Conner get up as I stayed glued to my seat.

Conner - Are you Ready?

Male Reader - N-no

Conner - *sigh* he's mad huh?

Male Reader - *nods*

Conner POV - I looked at my watch and saw it was over an hour longer then it should have been.

Male Reader - *sniffles*

Conner - I'll go out there first ok?

Conner POV - I saw him nod his head as I began to leave the train stepping foot on the grass Balan looked at me with anger as I looked down avoiding eye contact.

Balan - Where is (Y/N)?

Conner - he's inside the train still

Balan - This was completely unacceptable! You come back over an hour late I specifically told him to come back after school!

Conner - it's not his fault!...I talked him into having lunch with me before we came back we didn't think you'd mind

Balan - Why you think I wouldn't mind is beyond me!

Male Reader POV - I saw Balan yelling at Conner causing me to shake as he began to walk towards the train.

Conner - Wa-wait he said he'd come out in a minute!

Conner POV - Balan ignored me as he continued walking on the train causing me to bite my bottom lip in distress "oh no"...

Balan POV - I was furious how could they both be so irresponsible?! I began to get in the train looking in the back my face soften as my eyes went wide I saw he was covered in blood with a black eye.

Balan - (Y/N)!

Balan POV - I quickly went over and saw he was shaking backed up against the window sobbing.

Balan - What has happend to you!?

Male Reader - I-I *sobs* I'm sorry

Male Reader POV - I felt him caress my face his eyes filled with anger and tears. Gently he took his thumb rubbing my black eye as I hissed in pain.

Balan - You're covered in blood...

Male Reader - Don't be mad at Conner *tears* it's my fault I've brought magic stuff with me and others found out I-

Male Reader POV - Suddenly I was interrupted as he gently wrapped his arms around me holding me shaking.

Balan - You could have been killed don't you understand that? What would I have done without you huh?

Male Reader - ....*sniffles*

Balan - Why didn't Conner protect you?! That's his job is it not?!

Male Reader - H-he tried

Balan - Well he's lost my trust he has failed to keep you safe! instead he puts you in harms way!

Male Reader - He really did try!

Balan POV - I was angry hurt annoyed all these negative emotions hitting me at once I'm not going to allow Conner to take care of (Y/N) anymore I trusted him! I pulled back rubbing his face my heart was cracking. He was covered in blood and bruises.

Male Reader - *sniffles* do you still love me?

Balan - How could you ask such a thing?!

Male Reader - ....what about Conner do you hate him now? *frowns*

Balan - I'm furious with him he didn't protect you!

Male Reader - He'll do better next time

Balan - No... I won't allow a next time

Male Reader - Huh?

Balan - I won't permit him to take you around the city anymore

Male Reader - But he's my friend! *tears*

Male Reader POV - I felt Balan grab my hand ignoring me guiding me off the train with him as I held my bookbag close to me. Once we got off into the grass he let go of my hand looking at both of us.

Balan - Conner I forbid you from taking (Y/N) back in the city!

Conner - Huh why?! How's he supposed to get his treatments and education?

Balan - I'll figure something out

Male Reader - Balan *tears*

Conner - You can't just tell him what to do he has to make his own choices!

Balan - I have let him chose already! And look what has happend!

Male Reader - But I want to go back in the city *sniffles* I want to be able to pass my test it's 35% of my grade!

Balan - No I won't allow it!

Male Reader - *tears*

Conner - ....What has happened to you?

Balan - Pardon?

Conner - Ever since I got here you've been getting more strict with (Y/N)

Male Reader - .....

Conner - am I right?! (Y/N) has he changed?

Male Reader - He...Balan you got more protective and strict with me *sniffles* you're scaring me with it

Balan - .....

Take Me Away To A Magic Wonderworld (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now