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                     *Short Recap*

Mr. Landers POV - I walked into my house staying silent wiping my eyes full of tears. I felt sick heartbroken disgusted with myself when Balan left it killed me he made everyone forget about that horrific confession I've had to punish me. He was right it killed me knowing what I did to (Y/N)....going into his bedroom I looked around it was beautiful I've put alot of work into it but deep down this wasn't going to last I'm foolish. I still loved (Y/N) with all my heart but he was with Balan and I've done such horrible things.

I gently sat on the edge of his bed looking down tears dripping on the rug as I placed my head in my hands. Why couldn't Balan just let me end it? I've got no reason to live...not anymore

not anymore

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