Come Fly With Me

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Male Reader POV - After some time had passed I saw Balan got up from his chair.

Balan - Shall we go outside Dear?

Male Reader POV - My face got red with embarrassment it was weird how he talked sometimes to but that was just his personality. I was somewhat hesitant but slowly nodded my head getting up out of my chair before Balan made them disappear with a snap of a finger.

Male Reader - What are we doing outside?

Balan - Come I'll show you

Male Reader POV - Confused I decided to follow him out of the castle closing the door behind us making our way into the garden. Once we got in the middle of the garden I've noticed the sweet frequencies of ruby red and pure snow white rose's.

Balan - It's marvelous isn't it?

Male Reader - it's very beautiful

Male Reader POV - I saw Balan turn around facing me picking a rose moving his hands close to my face. All I did was flinch backing up causing him to frown.

Balan - ... Dearist *Whispers*

Male Reader - I'm sorry I....*frowns* I don't like people touching my face I get scared with any Physical contact actually..

Balan - ...I want nothing more than for you to trust me

Male Reader - ....

Male Reader POV - I saw Balan move slightly closer reaching out his hand causing me to shake.

Balan - May I?

Male Reader POV - I saw he was holding the flower still. Giving a deep breath I nodded my head closing my eyes tight biting my tongue.

Balan POV - I saw how tense (Y/N) was how much he was shaking giving a sad sigh I slowly took my hand brusing the side of his hair back placing the flower between his ear.

Balan - Shhh I'm not going to hurt you...

Balan POV - He slowly began to open his eyes looking at me the shaking calmed down but he still had fear in his eyes. Taking a deep breath I took a chance moving my hand slowly from his ear gentle caressing his face slowly wiping his tears as they formed

Balan - ...I give you my word *whispers*

Male Reader - B-Balan....*tears*

Balan - Hush .. dry those tears

Balan POV - I slowly moved my hand away running them down (Y/N) arms taking his hands in mine giving them a small squeeze.

Balan - Can you put your trust in me?

Male Reader - I-I.....

Male Reader POV - I felt my hands being held tight in his as he gave me a pleading look. My breathing went back to normal my heart beat calmed down and my eyes soften...I never trusted anyone before I'm suprised I'd let someone get close to me like this. I looked back at him giving a small nod. Which in return caused him to smile big.

Balan - put all your faith in me trust me .... let me take care of you love

Male Reader - *Blushes* I..I trust you

Male Reader POV - Just then Balan began to pick me up bridal style my body tensed up but I began to calm down when he asked if I was ok it made me feel appreciated and happy ...something I haven't felt in a long time. He held me close to his chest one hand was underneath my legs while the other was hold my back and head close to him. This was the first time I let someone touch me let alone hold me.

Balan - Ready?

Male Reader - Huh for what?

Male Reader POV - I gave a confused look until suddenly he levitated off the ground my eyes went wide.

Male Reader - Wait Wh-what!?!

Balan - Fly with me darling

Male Reader POV - We got higher off the ground as I held Balan for dear life shaking. He seemed to noticed because he began to rub my back up and down cooing me. After a few minutes I began to relax as we got in the sky he began to float slowly flying over Tim Island my eyes began to sparkle.

Balan POV - As I flew I've noticed (Y/N) began to giggle causing my heart to melt holding him closer I began to pick up speed flying through the clouds. Soon his giggles turned into full laughs for some reason my eyes started to water as I began to laugh as well. The sounds of our laughs mixed with Tim's chirping was a truly magical moment.

Male Reader - Faster! Faster!!

Balan - *Smiles*

Balan POV - We flew for hours until the sun started to set

Balan - Let's head back shall we?

Male Reader - awwww ok

Balan POV - I chuckled softly landing back down onto the grass gently putting down (Y/N)

Male Reader - That was fun! I've haven't felt like that in a long time! Thankyou!

Balan - You're most certainly welcome I'm happy that I've got the chance to give you that experience

Male Reader - *Smiles*

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