Getting Ready For School

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Male Reader - I'm going to be late!

Balan - Calm down we have plenty of time

Male Reader POV - I ran down the stairs trying to get my shoes on tripping almost falling on my face before Balan grabbed me by the waist from behind I sighed in relief as he gently let me go.

Balan - Please do be more careful next time

Male Reader - Sorry this test is just very important to me

Male Reader POV - I saw Balan kneel down tying my shoes causing me to blush whining.

Male Reader - I can do it! 

Balan - Nonsense you're all frazzled

Male Reader - I groaned as he began to tie my shoes once he was done he stood back up patting my head.

Balan - I do believe we haven't had breakfast yet

Male Reader - Balan *whines* I don't have time I only have 30 minutes to get there

Balan - If you insist

Male Reader POV - I quickly grabbed his hand leading us out of the castle trying to move as fast as I can. Once we arrived at the train I felt a hand grab my shoulder spinning me around meeting with Balans eyes.

Balan - You have got to calm down love

Male Reader - Sorry *frowns*

Balan - It's quite alright

Male Reader POV - I nodded my head taking his hand as we walked on the train not before seeing fluffy bounce to us. I kneeled down softly petting his head before getting back up.

Male Reader - I'll be back later Fluffy

Chiirrrppp <3

Male Reader POV - Soon we got on the train together sitting down on the same seat I held my bookbag close to me frowning.

Balan - Is something troubling you?

Male Reader - I'm just nervous about the test is all

Balan - I assure you things will be fine

Male Reader - But What if I fail?! *frowns*

Male Reader POV - I felt Balan place his hand on my shoulder as I looked at him with worriedness in my eyes.

Balan - Then you'll just have to try again

Male Reader POV - My eye twitched in annoyance he was good at comforting me but terrible at pep talks. Sighing I layed my head back on the seat closing my eyes focusing on the sound of the train moving.

Balan POV - I looked at (Y/N) as he layed back on the seat sighing. I was never good at understanding emotions. Yes he's taught me so much between pain,anger,loneliness, but also happiness,love,compassion I still had alot to learn I leaned back with him feeling disappointed in myself. After a few min I heard a soft sound looking back over to (Y/N) he was snoring quietly causing me to frown. Gently I took my hand rubbing his face tucking his hair behiend his ear. "He's really stressed out" I said to myself trailing my finger down to his lips my face began to heat up as I leaned over gently pressing my lips against his before pulling away.

Everything will be ok

Male Reader POV - I felt a tap on my shoulder waking up jumping alittle before realizing me and Balan were still on the train. I began to stretch rubbing my eyes getting up from my seat with him.

Balan - You ready? *smiles*

Male Reader POV - I thought for a moment his attire did stand out it but I'd feel guilty asking for him to change.

Male Reader - I ummm...

Balan - hmm? Is everything alright?

Male Reader POV - I looked down embarrassed worried about being rude thinking trying to find some way to ask him I took a deep breath...

Male Reader - Well ummm... You might stand out everyone umm....

Balan - *crosses arms* is it my attire?

Male Reader - I..I don't want to be rude I ju-

Male Reader POV - Just then he put his fingers to my lips hushing me giving a reassuring look.

Balan - Dear how could that heart if yours make you rude? It's no trouble at all

Male Reader POV - I nodded my head as he stepped back for a minute snapping his fingers his whole outfit changing. Once he was done I saw he wore a set of new clothes he had on brown dress shoes with white pants followed by a brown belt around his waist then for his shirt he wore a white button up long sleeve with a brown jacket he still kept his gloved and hat a white color. I scratched the side of my head sighing softly "well at least he toned it down more than last time when we went to the Carnival" I blushed at the thought he seemed to notice as he rubbed the top of my head chuckling.

Balan - Come now we don't want you being late

Male Reader POV - My face couldn't stop getting beat red *groans* why does he always look good in anything he wears. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if girls started to hit him up the thought made me somewhat jealous biting my tongue alittle. Shaking my thoughts I grabbed my bookbag making my way off the train with Balan... today was going to be a long day for me...

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