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Male Reader POV - I woke up giving a small yawn looking around confused. "Where was I?" Just then the door opened I saw Mr. Landers walk in with a glass of water and some pills. He soon sat next to me on the side of the bed handing me to them.

Mr. Landers - Take these...

Male Reader - Mr. Landers were am I?

Mr. Landers - My room ... please take these it will help with your head..

Male Reader POV - frowning I sat up and did what I was told taking the pills popping them in my mouth before chugging it down with some water before placing the glass on the table next to the bed laying back down.

Mr. Landers - You scared everyone today *stern tone*

Male Reader - *sniffles* I'm sorry

Mr. Landers - from now on when you come to school's you will not be working for anything that has to do with that program anymore understand me?

Male Reader - *tears*....

Mr. Landers - You don't have to prove to the world you're smart ....

Male Reader POV - I felt Mr. Landers begin to rub my forhead giving me a sorrow but angry look.

Mr. Landers - Do you have any idea what ran through my mind today when I found out you had a seizure?!

Male Reader - N-no sir

Mr. Landers - It fucking killed me!....I thought you were going to die...

Male Reader - *sniffles*

Mr. Landers - What would I have done if James wasn't in school that day? If no one came and got me?! *tears* I-....I didn't know if I'd make it back in time

Male Reader - I...

Mr. Landers - I ran across the school I fucking ran!

Male Reader - I-I....*tears* I'm so sorry sir!

Male Reader POV - What have I done.... *tears* I've had everyone worry about me Mr. Landers,Drew, even James were trying to tell me to take it easy I didn't listen at this moment he didn't sound happy with me at all.

Mr. Landers - If you're sorry then you'll eat lunch when I make it for you *crosses arms*

Male Reader POV - I saw Mr. Landers cross his arms tears began to stream down his face I didn't want to argue or make things anymore difficult or be stubborn.

Male Reader - ....Ok

Male Reader POV - After a few minutes of waiting I saw Mr.Landers come in the bedroom with a plate of food and a drink.

Mr. Landers - ...Sit up

Male Reader POV - I did as I was told staying silent he was mad at me and I don't blame him...

Mr. Landers - I made you a spinach and cheese egg omelet with a glass of apple juice ... I expect every last bite gone

Male Reader POV - I felt him gently set the plate on my lap as he put the drink on the nightstand next to me.

Male Reader - T-thankyou *sniffles*

Mr. Landers - ....Just eat

Male Reader POV - I flinched at his words but slowly nodded my head taking the fork I began to cut in the omelet seeing spinach and cheese ooze out. He really did make it perfect it was light and fluffy with a sponge like texture. Cutting a piece I began to take a small bite sniffiling as Mr. Landers gaze soften a bit looking at me.

Take Me Away To A Magic Wonderworld (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ