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Male Reader POV - My eyes went wide looking over seeing Balans face go pale. Why is he asking this all of the sudden?!

Male Reader - What? Why?

Conner - *sigh* Listen I know you're happy here but this isn't your home

Male Reader - That apartment wasn't my home it was miserable I was unhappy!

Conner - Listen we can work on it

Male Reader - Why would I leave here I'm happy and you've been gone for years now all of the sudden you're trying to take me away?

Conner - I'm trying to help you

Male Reader - You're trying to dictate my happiness!! And life!! *tears*

Conner - That's not true! I-

Balan - That's quite enough!

Male Reader POV - Me and Conner jumped at his voice suddenly.

Balan - Conner understand that he wants to stay here you mustn't get in the way of his choices

Conner - He needs to come back with me! Don't you understand yes his happiness is important but think about it their is no school here no hospitals dentist's nothing! What would happen if he got sick!

Balan - I'd take care of him!

Conner - No you can't magic doesn't solve everything!

Balan - That's eno-

Conner - No he needs to hear this he needs to wake up! Imagine if he had a cavity then what!?

Balan POV - I looked over and saw (Y/N) shaking like a leaf as he began to hyperventilate.

Balan - Look what you're doing to him!

Conner - *looks over*....I.....I'm sorry

Balan POV - I got up going over to (Y/N) rubbing his back calming him down

Balan - shhh calm down dear .... you've got to calm down

Balan POV - After awhile he began to relax I gently picked him up in my arms as he began to cry softly hiccuping. I was annoyed my anger level rose I began to walk up the stairs seeing Conner behind us.

Balan - Please Stay here for the time being..

Conner - But I-

Balan - haven't you done enough?!

Conner - .....

Balan POV - I saw Conner walk back to the livingroom sitting in a chair rolling my eyes before walking back up the stairs with (Y/N) close to me.

Balan - Shhhh it's ok *Rubs back*

Balan POV - I felt him shake more frowning getting to the top of the stairs I took us to the bedroom gently placing him on the bed putting the blankets over him. Before sitting down next to him gently caressing his face.

Male Reader - *sniffles* I don't want to leave I want to stay with you

Balan - Shhh love you aren't going anywhere

Male Reader - Yes but what if I get sick badly or need the dentist *cries softly*

Balan POV - My blood boiled what was Conner thinking?! Yes I knew about this but I've been trying to figure away around it for awhile now. He should have never brought this up! All it did was cause (Y/N) stress and anxiety....I kept rubbing his eyes and face leaning down gently kissing his forhead.

Balan - Shhhh calm down we will find a way to make appointments for you ok?

Male Reader *sniffles* O-ok

Balan - I love you so much you mean the world to me

Male Reader - *giggles* I love you to

Balan POV - Their was that smile I've been looking for I ruffled his hair before getting up.

Balan - I'd like you to rest up here for awhile for me

Male Reader - ...Ok

Balan POV - I smiled softly walking out of the room shutting the light off slowly closing the door. Thanks to Conner he has to rest from a panic attack it annoyed me to no end. I walked back down the stairs seeing he was sitting in the living room looking down sighing softly I sat in the living room in a chair across from him crossing my arm annoyed.....after sometime has passed I spoke soft but sternly.

Balan - Why.....

Conner - huh?

Balan - It's completely disrespectful to ask that from someone

Conner - ...I'm doing what's best for him

Balan - You know (Y/N) had a point ... you can't expect someone to do what you want especially when you haven't seen him in years

Conner - You didn't know the situation!

Balan - .....

Conner - I do appreciate you taking care of him but he needs to live a normal life he's not magic like you he needs special care

Balan - I'm aware I've been thinking this for awhile now and for you to insinuate my magic like that really is bothersome I understand he needs proper care you don't think I don't know that?!

Conner - I ... I didn't know

Balan - The fact that you thought I'd not put thought into such a manner is disgraceful of you!

Conner - ....Well what if you don't figure it out?!

Balan POV - A vain popped out of my head getting annoyed again he was being overbearing meddling into my business.

Balan - That's something I won't fail on....when we find your heart I wish for you to leave immediately by yourself!

Conner - ....You know (Y/N) is weak and fragile....if something happens to him you'll regret that for the rest of yo-


Balan POV - Next thing I knew my hand was stinging seeing Conners face red I couldn't take it anymore he was annoying me to no ends!

Balan - How dare you! HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH A THING ABOUT (Y/N)!!!

Conner - .....

Balan - He has the most kindest heart that I've ever seen! He's not weak by any means! If it wasn't for my contract I'd make you leave Wonderworld this moment! You are disgusting and a disgrace you have the ugliest heart I-

Balan POV - Suddenly I heard footsteps looking up I saw (Y/N) look at me and Conner full of tears. He walked down stairs coming into the living room with us. Did he hear the conversation between me and Conner my chest tighten

Male Reader - *sniffles*

Balan - Sw-sweetheart? What are you doing out of bed?

Conner - Wh-what did you hear? *frowns*

Male Reader - *sniffles* You slapped Conner!

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