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Male Reader - Me and Conner walked around as I kept sniffling.

Conner - Things will be ok *smiles*

Male Reader - *Nods*

Conner - So what made you come here? It looks way different then the island we were on

Male Reader - It was a suprise...Balan took me here he told me about the other worlds to

Conner - That's kind of him

Male Reader POV - We kept walking around making small talk still frowning I knew when we saw Balan I'd have to make a choice. Was I going to keep being in fear or trust what Conner said. My thoughts broke when I bumped into Conners back.

Male Reader - Conner why did we stop?

Conner - ...*smiles*

Male Reader - Confused I looked ahead and saw Balan my eyes going wide with tears.

Balan - *tears* Sw-sweetheart

Male Reader - .... *looks down*

Balan POV - My heart ached I couldn't take it anymore slowly I walked towards both of them trying not to scare (Y/N) before speaking softly..

Balan - Please forgive me I'd never meant to hurt Conner I- that's not who I am

Male Reader - ....

Balan - I'm sorry God I'm so sorry I- ....

Balan POV - Suddenly I felt a pair of arms around me gasping I looked down seeing (Y/N) hugging me tightly. Slowly I hugged back seeing he wasn't flinching causing me to sigh in relief holding him close.

Male Reader - I-....I'll never stop loving you .... I'm sorry for flinching *sniffles* I know you're good and don't like to hurt others.

Balan POV - I began to shake sobbing holding (Y/N) close rubbing the back of his head. Conner walked beside us giving a soft smile before speaking up.

Conner - I'm glad things are ok ...

Balan POV - I soon let go of (Y/N) kissing his eyes and forhead before picking him up in my arms seeing how embarrassed he was infront of Conner.

Male Reader - I- I can walk! *blushes*

Balan POV - I smiled ignoring him holding him close to my chest as me and Conner began to walk back to Tim Island.


Balan POV - Once we got back to Tim Island I put (Y/N) laughing alittle.

Male Reader - You did that on purpose!

Male Reader POV - I saw Conner laugh alittle causing me to get red in embarrassment before Balan ruffled my hair.

Balan - Come now you surely can't believe it was intentional?

Male Reader - IT WAAASSS *Wines*

Male Reader POV - I saw Balan and Conner walk away leaving me behind laughing making me flustered. I pouted for a min before giving a smirk "payback" Quickly I began to run it seemed they didn't notice smiling more beginning to pick up speed I ran faster moving my arms out about to push Balan. "Now I've got him!" Right before I could push him he spun around grabbing my arm causing me to go wide eyed pulling me in kissing me hard making me gasp before letting me go I began to stumble on the ground. I covered my mouth embarrassed "he ju-just kissed me infront of Conner!"

Balan - *Smiles* Shall we head back to the castle now?

Male Reader - I-I!?

Conner - *laughs* Come on

Male Reader POV - My face was getting red how was I the only one embarrassed!?...slowly I got up groaning following behind them both.

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