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Balan POV - "I wonder how (Y/N) is doing" Sighing softly I sat in a chair in the library as I continued reading it was so quiet and peaceful in here. To my surprise (Y/N) was right their was in fact books in here that I've never heard of. I began to flip the page continuing to read until I heard someone take a seat across from me looking up my face went pale eyes going wide it was the same girl from the Café who kissed me.

Girl - Hey ... can we talk?

Balan - How did you even find me in here?

Girl - It wasn't on purpose I've just happend to see you and wanted to talk

Balan POV - Rolling my eyes I looked back down reading my book trying to ignore her.

Girl - Please? I wanted to apologize from before and talk about that guy that was with you

Balan POV - Once she mentioned (Y/N) I got annoyed closing my book looking at her trying to keep my voice down.

Balan - What about him? may I ask why you're in my business?

Balan POV - I saw her frown reaching in her pocket as I raised my eye in confusion. She began to pull out some money before getting up.

Girl - Here... it's the money to pay you back with

Balan POV - I saw her begin to walk off guilt began to hit my chest sighing I called her back.

Balan - You may come back

Girl - Are you sure?

Balan - Yes...what did you want?

Balan POV - I crossed my arms as she sat back down I took the money pushing back to her.

Balan - I don't want to take your money

Girl - You're very kind

Balan - ....

Balan POV - I saw her extend her hand out introducing herself I hesitate before slowly shaking it.

Girl - My names Natalie

Balan - ...Balan please to make your acquaintance

Natalie - So ... would you like to get coffee and talk?

Balan - I told you before I'm not interested in a date

Natalie - it's not a date I promise .... I understand that after the outburst from before .... I also saw you kiss and hug another guy your taken I get it *frowns*

Balan POV - She started to annoy me but decided to try and be friendly for (Y/N) it's what he would have wanted he's to kind for his own good and he taught me to be compassionate...

Balan - Please forgive me but I'm lost on what exactly you wanted to talk about

Natalie - That guy ... he just looked familiar I wasn't sure so I never asked him...can we please get coffee and talk it will be more comfortable

Balan POV - I looked at the clock and saw (Y/N) still had 2 hours left Rolling my eyes I got up giving in

Balan - I suppose we can get coffee as long as you understand it's not a date

Natalie - I'm aware *smiles*

Balan POV - I quietly walked out of the Library Natalie following behind she made me somewhat uncomfortable I wasn't understanding why we needed to even talk in the first place...

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