Two Sides Of The Same Heart

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Mr. Landers POV - I suddenly heard a knock at the door getting up opening it was a tall figure.

Balan - My apologies but is (Y/N) here? I need to bring him back with me now you see it's been days and I miss him terribly

Mr. Landers POV - My eyes went wide recognizing the figure "Balan".....he walked in giving a smile seeing (Y/N) snuggled on the couch.

Natalie - Ba-Balan!? What are you doing here?

Balan - *frowns* I couldn't wait any longer...I missed my sweetheart

Mr. Landers POV - I looked down as he went next to (Y/N) picking him up in his arms kissing his cheek softly and holding him close.

Balan - Thankyou for taking good care of (Y/N)

Conner - Mr. Landers? *frowns*.....

Mr. Landers POV - I looked back up giving a soft smile.

Mr. Landers - You're welcome ....I'm happy that I could take care of him for you

Mr. Landers POV - I saw how (Y/N) yawned snuggling close in his arms causing my chest to pound biting my tongue.

Mr. Landers - I-if you ever need him to be watched again my door is always open *sad smile*

Drew - Sir....

Balan - *chuckles* I'll keep that in mind by the way we haven't properly been introduced *bows* I'm Balan it's a pleasure to meet you

Mr. Landers - I'm Mr.Landers...It's good to meet you to *smiles*

Balan - Well now I must get going

Natalie - Balan do you need us to come with you?

Balan - Kindly another time? ....I want to spend time with (Y/N)'s been far to long

Conner - *nods* We understand

Mr. Landers POV - I saw Balan give a small smile before leaving the house with (Y/N) slowly I shut the door before heading to the couch sitting on the edge.

Drew - Mr. Landers...?

Mr. Landers - Yes?

Drew - Are you ok? *frowns*

Mr. Landers POV - I gently picked up the stuffed animal giving a sad smile. I knew (Y/N) was taken but seeing his other was painful

Mr. Landers - ....Yeah I'm ok

Natalie - This is killing you sir ...

Mr. Landers - ...In the moments we spend together I'm happy...I don't want that going away

Conner - But can't you just spend time together and be happy by just being friends with him?

Mr. Landers - ....That's just not possible I don't want it to be possible...

Drew - I hope the happiness you both have outweighs the depression

Mr. Landers - It does...

Drew - Mr. Landers will you be ok tomorrow? Will you be able to teach?

Mr. Landers - *nods* seeing (Y/N) will help .....

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