My Reward (+18)

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Male Reader POV - Me and Mr. Landers were both in our pajamas laying in bed together watching TV I smiled getting more comfortable than last night snuggling into the blanket more.

Mr. Landers - You liking the cartoons?

Male Reader - Mhm! They always make me laugh but you can watch something to if you'd like

Mr. Landers - I'm alright no matter what we watch I'm just enjoying my time with you

Your heart is a true treasure I'm just not the lucky one to have it

Male Reader - I'm glad I like to make people happy

Mr. Landers - I know you do....

You always love to make people smile

Mr. Landers POV - Taking a deep breath I grabbed (Y/N) by the shoulder pulling him close to me keeping an arm around him as my other hand was on the remote. I looked down to see his reaction but to my suprise he didn't seem to mind as he snuggled closer to me. Gently rubbing his shoulder he melted to my touch relaxing more as his eyes were glued to the T.V enjoying himself.

Your warmth makes me feel secure and keeps me sain

Mr. Landers - You can lay your head on my chest if you want

Male Reader - Are you sure? I don't want you being uncomfortable

I always crave your touch...

Mr. Landers - No this is nice...I wish we could do this every night *frowns* My house is lonely and empty....

My home is lonely without you..

Male Reader - It will get better will paint it more and plant flowers in the spring and summer

Mr. Landers - I haven't forgotten *chuckles*

What I'd give for you to live with me....

Mr. Landers POV - I saw (Y/N) begining to yawn as he rested his head on my chest snuggling close.

Mr. Landers - Why don't we go to sleep now? Tomorrow will be another big day

Male Reader - *nods*

Male Reader POV - I yawned more before rolling to my side away from Mr. Landers grabbing a pillow snuggling close. I soon heard the T.V go off along with the lights as the bed weight shifted under me before a pair of arms were wrapped around my waist pulling me close. My back pressed against Mr. Landers chest as he kissed the back of my head.

Male Reader - Sir?

Mr. Landers - Hm?

Male Reader - ......How come you're holding me?

Mr. Landers - Am I making you uncomfortable?

Male Reader - No I'm alright I just wanted to make sure you were ok

Mr. Landers - I'm content *smiles*

Male Reader - That's good *giggles*

Mr. Landers - Do you want me to stop cuddling you?

Male Reader - No it's nice it makes me feel safe your arms and hands are lots bigger than mine it makes me feel protected

Mr. Landers - (Y/N).....

Male Reader - Huh?

Mr. Landers - I'll always protect you

Male Reader POV - I felt his grip tighten on me as he kept speaking hearing how low tone his voice was.

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