Keeping You Safe

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Male Reader POV - I was sitting in the living room couch playing on my phone sighing softly. "I hope Mr. Landers is ok" tapping the screen my eyes were focused swiping in different directions trying to get the colors to match for the blocks to break. Just then Mr. Landers bedroom door opened up as he came over to the livingroom fixing his belt before sitting down across from me.

Male Reader - Sir are you ok?

Mr. Landers - I'm much better now thankyou

Male Reader POV - I nodded my head before going back to my game focusing.

Mr. Landers - What are you doing on your phone?

Male Reader - ......

Mr. Landers POV - I got up from my chair walking over sitting next to (Y/N) looking over at his phone sighing in relief that he's only playing a game.

Mr. Landers - What is that? Some sort of matching game?

Male Reader - Mhm! It's very hard though I'm on level 85 and I keep running out of moves before I can even finish

Mr. Landers - It certainly looks hard

Male Reader POV - I ended up losing again groaning frustrated closing out of the app.

Male Reader - It's impossible ugh!!

Mr. Landers - *chuckles* it probably wants you to spend money

Male Reader - Nu uh! *sticks tongue out*

Mr. Landers POV - I smiled pushing his tongue back in as he looked away embarrassed. He then spoke softly catching me off guard.

Male Reader - Mr. Landers... what was Mr. Stonefield doing?

Mr. Landers - ...Let's not worry about it

Male Reader - But I-

Mr. Landers - Shhh

Male Reader POV - Mr. Landers gently took the phone out of my hands placing it on the glass table before pushing me back on the couch fluffing the pillow that was their before then tucked me in with the sushi stuffed animal ruffling my hair.

Mr. Landers - Why not take another nap *smiles*

Male Reader - *frowns* Sir I've always been taking naps

Male Reader POV - Everyone keeps treating me like a baby I wasn't sure why. Was it even a good thing for him and my friends to be doing this? I was capable of looking out for myself...even Balan treats me like a baby

Male Reader - Mr. Landers I'm not a baby I don't need a nap *pouts* ....

Mr. Landers - *chuckles* shhh hush now

Male Reader - *frowns*

Male Reader POV - He leaned down kissing my forhead softly tucking me in more.

Mr. Landers - Go to sleep now

Male Reader - But I just took a nap....

Male Reader POV - He didn't listen though all he did was smile giving me a reassuring look rubbing and kissing my forhead for the second time I gave in closing my eyes falling asleep.


Mr. Landers POV - I looked at the time and saw it was only 2:00 pm (Y/N) fell asleep again snoring giving a sad smile I kissed his forhead and nose my heart beating fast taking a deep breath I moved my head down gently pressing our lips together. Soon I pulled back blushing "I better stop before it gets to be to much" maybe I should get the paint now while he's asleep? Getting up I decided to go outside gently shutting the door behind me careful not wake (Y/N) going out to my car with my keys I unlocked the trunk before grabbing the paint my mind was wandering thinking for a moment...

I'm not a baby I don't need naps....

Mr. Landers - He's always going to be a baby that needs to be taken care of his whole life he's been suffering I'm not going to allow that to happen anymore. Then I thought of what he said before that causing my face to twist in anger gripping the paint tightly.

What is Mr. Stonefield doing?....

Mr. Landers POV - ..I already had a good idea what he was doing to (Y/N) but he didn't need to know that.


Balan POV - I was sitting in my chair sighing reading my book while fluffy was in my lap. It seemed rather strange for Mr. Landers to build a room on earth for (Y/N) such a simple yet odd request. I continued petting fluffy hearing the fireplace crackling in the background pondering on the thought. It should be fine but somewhere in the back of my mind I've begun to worry why was Mr. Landers getting so close to (Y/N)? I didn't see any signs of discomfort from my beloved though he was still happy and well protected of course I'm not happy one bit considering what has happened to his hand. After a few minutes I closed the book putting it back on the shelf before grabbing my phone that was beside me on the table.


Mr. Landers POV - I brought the paint in walking into the hallway putting the cans in the closet hearing (Y/N) phone go off. "Hm?" Walking over I picked up the phone my heart begining to beat fast seeing Balan was on the other line. Looking over (Y/N) was still sleeping cuddling with the sushi and blanket he looked content and relaxed....after a few seconds my finger made it's way over to the answer button but suddenly I moved my finger away having second thoughts..."Why should I even answer it? This was (Y/N) home he was being taking care of why did Balan feel the need to call?"


Balan POV - I waited but no answer came my mouth twitched in a frown eyes growing big getting worried. "I need to try and call again" Dialing the number again I put the phone back up to the side of my head still petting fluffy as he began to purr "he misses (Y/N) and so do I"


Mr. Landers POV - I was about to put the phone down until Balan called again causing me to roll my eyes. sighing in defeat I've decided to answer it holding the phone up to my ear.

Mr. Landers - Hello

Balan - Mr. Landers? Why do you have (Y/N) phone? I'm quite curious

Mr. Landers - (Y/N) is sleeping on the couch at the moment

Balan - Sleeping? I don't understand isn't it daylight over there?

Mr. Landers - Yes but he got stressed out

Balan - That's concerning should I come get him?

Mr. Landers - No!!

Balan - I'm sorry?

Mr. Landers POV - My eyes went wide not realizing how high my tone was clearing my throat before speaking again.

Mr. Landers - I mean he's doing alright I'm making sure he's well taken care of

Balan - If you insist but I'm picking him up tomorrow morning

Mr. Landers - I understand it will give me time to make his room

Balan - ...I'd like to look at the room before (Y/N) see's it to make sure it's an appropriate living environment

Mr. Landers - I understand

Balan - Well I'll let (Y/N) sleep and I certainly don't want to take up anymore of your time

Mr. Landers - I'll make sure he's alright for you

Balan - I appreciate that Farwell now

Mr. Landers - Bye sir

Mr. Landers POV - I hung up the phone before setting it back down. He wanted to see the room before it's done? It shouldn't be a problem considering how much effort and time is going to be put into it. I looked over to (Y/N) giving a small smile before ruffling his hair moving his bangs out of his face. "You're going to love your suprise"

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