A Sticky Disaster

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Male Reader POV - I gave a small yawn as me and Balan were walking in the City.

Balan - We possibly went to bed alittle late?

Male Reader - Yeahhh *whines*

Male Reader POV - Suddenly my ears perked up as I heard something looking behind me was Natalie running towards us smiling. That made me wake up almost instantly giving a big smile.

Male Reader - Natalie!! *smiles*

Male Reader POV - She ran up and gave me and Balan a hug before letting go.

Natalie - I'm glad I caught up to you guys!

Male Reader - What's up?

Natalie - Conner told me to let you guys know that he won't work this weekend we can spend time together!

Male Reader POV - My eyes lit up smiling big this was going to be a fun weekend.

Male Reader - Wait what will we do?

Natalie - We will think of something

Balan - If I may make a suggestion I'd be honored to take us to one of the world's

Male Reader - That's really ok?!

Male Reader POV - Me and Natalie gave Balan a hug as he patted both our heads telling him thankyou. Soon we let go as Natalie turned to look at me.

Natalie - Hey you're heading to school right?

Male Reader - Yeah *nods*

Natalie - We still have time Balan is it ok if I take (Y/N) to the Café for awhile? I promise he'll get to school on time

Balan - I don't see that as a problem of course you may

Male Reader - Where will you go? *smiles*

Balan - I am currently trying out all the libraries in the area as well as a few shops

Natalie - Do you like it so far?

Balan - *nods* Yes they all seem unique in their own way

Natalie - *smiles* well we better get going now bye Balan *waves*

Male Reader - Bye *waves*

Male Reader POV - I felt Balan grab the back of my head kissing my forhead before telling us bye waving.

Male Reader POV - Me and Natalie walked together heading to the outside Café I remembered the first time coming here I do admit it's somewhat awkward since that incident with Natalie and Balan but she didn't know so I understood it was an honest mistake. Soon we got up the register as the guy welcomed us.

Worker - Hello and welcome to our Café what would you like today?

Natalie - Oh I want a Strawberry Crepe and a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino please!

Worker - Got it! *smiles* and for you?

Natalie - What will you be getting (Y/N)?

Male Reader - I looked around and saw other people that looked like students from my school sit in outside chairs with that appeared to be a ball filled with some sort of filling.

Male Reader - Sir what are those? They look good!

Worker - Those our are limited edition Chocolate dessert bombs they come in 2 flavors Dark Chocolate with Carmel filling or White Chocolate with Raspberry

Male Reader - May I ask how much?

Worker - $15 each

Male Reader POV - My eyes went wide for how much they cost but I guess I could understand seeing how big they are to bad I only had enough money for 1 kind though. I looked kept thinking getting flustered Natalie gave me a worried look.

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