Conner's Dilemma

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Mr. Landers POV - Once I was back at the house I sat on the porch outside waiting for the delivery guys to come with the furniture. It was a beautiful day outside the sky was a deep shade of pure blue the sun beaming down creating warmth on my body it was nice. Suddenly their was a noise I began to stand up brushing the dirt off my pants giving a small smile seeing the truck pull up to my driveway. I walked up seeing 3 guys come out of the truck straightening their work uniforms before speaking.

Worker #1 - You ordered some furniture?

Mr. Landers - Yes sir I've ordered quite a bit

Worker #1 - I can see that *chuckles*

Mr. Landers POV - I saw the other two workers begin to unload the truck taking out all the cabinets and dressers with little to no issues.

Mr. Landers - I really appreciate this thankyou

Worker #1 - It's not a problem at all *smiles* would you like us to set it up for you?

Mr. Landers - I appreciate it but I still have to paint can you just have everything go in the living room for the time being?

Worker #1 - Certainly


Natalie POV - Me Conner and Drew were all watching across the street seeing workers lift furniture out into Mr. Landers house causing me to frown seeing Drew shake his head in disbelief.

Drew - I still can't believe Balan is ok with this...

Natalie - ...Mr. Landers is getting worse

Conner - ....I don't really like this to be honest none of this is normal

Natalie POV - I saw Conner cross his arms looking at Mr. Landers observing him closely as he talked to the worker.

Natalie - Conner...I've never seen you this worried before *frowns* and I should know we've known eachother since we were kids

Drew - told us that you understood Mr. Landers situation yesterday...what did you mean by that?

Conner - ....

Natalie - Please tell us you said you would *frowns*

Conner - *sigh*....I was in the same mess Mr. Landers was in at one point...but for different reasons

Natalie - What do you mean?

Conner - ...Mr. Landers knows (Y/N) is already taken but he's doing everything in his power to get close to his heart....

Drew - Were you in love with someone  that was already taken? *frowns*

Conner - When I was in love he wasn't already taken...I just couldn't be with him because I've had to killed me

Natalie POV - My eyes went wide feeling my chest stop gasping alittle covering my mouth.

Natalie - Y-you don't mean?!......

Natalie POV - He looked away keeping his arms crossed I saw his lips quiver alittle as he began to clear his throat.

Conner - Yes...but I'm happy he's got someone in his life to take care of him now....

Drew - Conner *frowns*

Natalie - You must be in so much pain

Conner - Somewhat...I'll always be in pain but it can't be changed

Natalie - You should have told us before and especially (Y/N) you need to let him know about this

Drew - ....You know it seems like everyone wants (Y/N) heart... I'm not sure what it is but it seems everyone just wants to claim him as their own...

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