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Male Reader - Yawning I began to stretch rubbing my eyes looking over to my side was Balan still holding me close snoring and Fluffy was lying by his shoulder. looking over at the clock it was 7:00 Pm gently I tapped his shoulder waking him.

Balan POV - I began to feel my shoulder be nudged slowly opening my eyes as (Y/N) looked at me frowning.

Balan - *Yawns* what is it dear?

Male Reader - I ummm...*frowns* what am I doing about school? I'm supposed to go tomorrow *frowns*

Balan - From my understanding you still need your education and check ups correct?

Male Reader - Y-yes but Conner ...

Balan  - Do you not remember about the renewed contract?

Male Reader - N-no ...

Male Reader POV - I saw Balan give me a concerning look rubbing my cheek kissing my forhead.

Balan - Why do you sound so tense and uncomfortable? What's gotten you like this?

Male Reader - *sniffles* I just ....

Balan - Come now tell me *whispers*

Male Reader - *tears* I-I wasn't sure if you saw me differently after what Lance did to me...if you saw me as disgusting ...if you still even loved me anymore...

Male Reader POV - I saw Balan give me a blank stare but it soon turned into anger as he took my hands in his.

Balan - Don't you ever talk like that again I won't allow such a nasty thought come out of your mouth

Male Reader - I-I'm sorry *sniffles*

Balan - Do you have any idea what I did when I saw such a disgusting scene?

Male Reader - Y-you saw?!

Balan - *nods* I was forced to on his magic mirror the things he did sent me over the edge never have I been so angry in my entire life...

Male Reader - I-I didn't mean to be disgusting I'm sorry *sniffles*

Balan - Shh calm down hush now please understand you're not disgusting you have a beautiful heart and soul something I fell in love with

Male Reader POV - I looked down blushing feeling Balan pull me close patting my head.

Balan - I thought he took your heart away from me the way you gave in letting him break you...

Male Reader - I...I was giving up not caring about myself anymore I've felt like I had nothing left everything just kept getting worse

Balan - before and after Lance did that to you.....do you recall what you've said

Male Reader - *sniffles* No I was crying alot

Balan POV - I kissed his eyes rubbing his arm softly.

Balan - You kept saying "I want Balan" you've never lost your heart you didn't allow yourself to

Male Reader - *Tears*

Balan - I won't ever let anger cloud my jugement like that again I refuse to let you go again

Male Reader - ....Is Conner allowed to still take me in the City?

Balan - ...My Contract got rewritten I'm allowed to leave Wonderworld

Male Reader - How did that happen!? *Wide eyes*

Balan - shh hush we will save that story for another time

Male Reader - What about Conner?

Balan - we've talked he's allowed to come visit Wonderworld whenever he wishes

Male Reader - *nods*

Balan - Will you be ok with me taking you ?

Balan POV - My eyes went wide as I saw (Y/N) give a small smile scooting closer cuddling with me and the Tim. Gently I wrapped my arms around his back. Their was that smile that sparkle I was looking for it seems his heart is beginning to heal.

Male Reader - I'd love that

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