Substitute Teacher?

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Male Reader POV - I was walking to school with Drew keeping my bookbag over my shoulder as we had a engaging conversation.

Drew - So we went to see Mr. Landers yesterday your suprise is coming together

Male Reader - *smiles* he didn't have to do this for me

Drew - Dude he's like obsessed with it that's all he ever talks about! He wants to make it perfect for you

Male Reader - That sounds really stressful *scratches head*

Drew - You'll understand once you see it

Male Reader POV - I groaned before Drew pulled me close to him laughing as he ruffled my hair causing me to wine.

Male Reader - Dreeww I just had it brushed out

Drew - Haha sorry couldn't help myself

Male Reader POV - I sighed rolling my eyes but smiled as we kept walking suddenly my phone went off. Reaching into my pocket I answered the phone before speaking.

Male Reader - Hello?

Mr. Landers - (Y/N) listen I'm not going to be able to teach class today I'm still working on your gift

Male Reader - Sir you shouldn't do that it takes away from your pay

Male Reader POV - I frowned at the thought of him losing money over me.

Mr. Landers - I chose to do this for you

Male Reader - But sir *whines*

Mr. Landers - No being upset understand me? You need to be able to get through the day and be productive I'm sure Drew will help you out?

Male Reader - Yeah...

Mr. Landers - *chuckles* you'll be ok

Male Reader - ...Mr. Landers  do you know who are substitute will be?

Mr. Landers - I don't have a clue I've never been informed but you'll be fine I believe you'll both be doing a test today though

Male Reader - H-huh?!

Male Reader POV - I looked at Drew as he was wide eyed realizing he could hear me and Mr. Landers on the phone. I put it on speaker so Drew could talk to him seeing how he freaked out.

Drew - W-what test?!

Mr. Landers - You both don't remember? It's 6% of your grade when we did the science experiment but that's only part of your test you'll both be doing a packet today

Male Reader - Ughhhhhhhh *whines*

Mr. Landers - You'll both be fine

Drew - No we won't be! We will both die!!

Male Reader POV - I heard Mr. Landers laugh alittle before speaking.

Mr. Landers - You'll both be fine..I must go now you need to get to class now

Male Reader - Yes sir...

Drew - *groans* Yes sir

Male Reader POV - I hung up the phone looking at Drew covering my mouth letting out a squeak.

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