Taking Care Of You

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Male Reader POV - I walked outside sitting back at the table still upset.

Natalie - (Y/N) I'm so sorry what has happened to you

Male Reader - ....My bag is ruined now

Male Reader POV - More tears formed as I felt Natalie rub my back.

Natalie - Your books and papers can be replaced and I'll get you a new bookbag

Male Reader - I-I couldn't keep sushi safe Mr. Landers told me it had to be thrown away

Natalie - We just couldn't save it I'm sorry

Male Reader - ....

Male Reader POV - I saw Mr. Landers walk out as he was on the phone.

Natalie - He must be calling the school

Male Reader - ...I guess he wants to me to go to his place and get my hair washed with clean clothes

Natalie - That's right all of your clothes are in Wonderworld we can't tell him that

Male Reader - ...Yeah

Male Reader POV - Soon he got off the phone walking towards me crossing his arms he didn't look happy at all.

Mr. Landers - I just got off the phone with the school and requested the day off.....are you ready?

Male Reader POV - I slowly nodded my head not wanting to make him more angry as I got up from my seat.

Natalie - I'll take care of his bag

Mr. Landers - Thankyou....

Male Reader POV - I followed behind keeping my head down soon we got to his car as he opened my side helping me in making sure my head didn't get smacked. He then shut my door before getting on his side getting in.

Mr. Landers - We will be heading to my place to clean you up I want to make sure all that Carmel is out and your head heals up from the irritation

Male Reader - ....

Male Reader POV - I didn't say anything as he began to start the car stepping on the gas pedal driving down the road....................

Male Reader POV - We've been driving for a few min my head leaning against the window avoiding eye contact. He was mad and annoyed I could tell the way his hand was tightly gripped on the steering wheel as his other hand began tapping the side of the door by the window.

Mr. Landers POV - I was furious,Sad, heartbroken....I bite the side of my cheek in anger feeling the taste of blood in my mouth. Looking over I saw (Y/N) eyes were all red and puffy his face was wet and his nose looked red to. We didn't say anything the whole ride as I took deep breaths trying to calm down my chest tighten at the thought of his stuffed animal needing to be thrown away.

Male Reader POV - After a few minutes we pulled up at red and white house it looked huge almost like 3 houses put together. I began to unbuckle my seat belt getting out of the car with Mr. Landers walking up to the house keeping my head down. Finally after all this time being silent he spoke out softly.

Mr. Landers - Once you get in go straight down the hallway and take a left wait for me in there I'll get you some clothes

Male Reader - O-ok

Male Reader POV - Once he opened the door we both got in as he shut and locked it behind him. Looking around the house looked beautiful sighing sadly I did as I was told going down the hallway wrapping my arms around myself. This was alittle uncomfortable I've never been in someone's house before I began to frown ... Mr. Landers should be in school teaching not taking care of me...once I got in the bathroom I sat on the edge of the bathtub.

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