Mental Breakdown

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Mr. Landers POV Once I got back in the classroom I went to my desk putting the cigarettes away in the drawer locking it before walking over to (Y/N) gentle lifting his head up.

Male Reader - H-huh?

Mr. Landers - Head up now

Male Reader - *sniffles* sorry sir

Mr. Landers - Please stop apologizing

Male Reader POV - I frowned looking down until my head was lifted again.

Mr. Landers - What did I just say?

Male Reader - I-I'm sorry ... do you want me to leave Mr. Landers? I don't want to cause any trouble.

Mr. Landers - No you need to knock it off *crosses arms*

Male Reader - O-ok *frowns*

Male Reader POV - Suddenly I felt Mr. Landers grab my arm gently lifting me up from my desk as I looked at him confused. He then began to lead me over to the corner where the poster board was.

Mr. Landers - Stay here *annoyed tone*

Male Reader - O-ok

Male Reader POV - I looked over and saw he was getting a new poster board coming back over he swapped them out then proceed to gently push down on my shoulder causing me to sit down. I was confused on what is making Mr. Landers be so aggressive with me he wasn't being mean just demanding something I've never seen from him before. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes as he handed me paint,markers and pencils.

Mr. Landers - Now paint *stern*

Male Reader - *sniffle* Sir It's just nasty fi-

Male Reader POV - Before I could finish my sentence he covered my mouth giving me serious look. More tears ran down my face onto his hand as he kept it there.

Mr. Landers - Stop that right now!

Male Reader POV - I felt him take his hand away before rubbing my eyes. Then out of nowhere he pulled me into a hug begining to shake.

Male Reader - S-sir?

Male Reader POV - I didn't know how to react as he was hugging me tightly. I frowned as he began to shake gently rubbing his back trying to calm him down it only seemed to make things worse as he cried softly holding me closer pushing the back of my head into his chest.

Male Reader - Mr. Landers?

Mr. Landers - Why... *whispers*

Male Reader - Huh?

Mr. Landers - Why!? Why let others hurt you!? *cries* why do you allow others to hurt your hurt like this!?

Male Reader - Mr. Landers please calm down! What's wrong?! *frowns*

Male Reader POV - I began to freak out as he started shouting not letting me go causing the paint can to fall over getting paint everywhere thankgod the floor wasn't carpet.

Male Reader - Mr. Landers the paint!

Male Reader POV - Everyone started to circle around us with concerned looks as I tried pulling away but he only held me tighter.

Mr. Landers - Why!? Why do you let this happen to yourself?! Fucking tell me!!! *sobs hard*

Male Reader POV - Everyone gasped on how Mr. Landers was acting I frowned feeling guilty like this was my fault did I push him over the edge? Just then I saw one of the students gently grab Mr. Landers shoulders while others tried to pull me away from his grip.

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