"That's what I said! I told him he needs to stop wasting time and just do it. She's never gonna give it up easily and it won't be worth all the work he's putting in anyway."

Feeling a bit guilty for eavesdropping, I moved to open the door and make my presence known, but froze again when Hidan continued after a long pause, "Because Sakura's a virgin, bro, that's why. He said he's too close to give up now. I think he should just get it over with while she's drunk tonight so he can move on and get back with Matsuri like he wants to, but who the fuck am I to tell him what to do, right?"

A fire shot through my veins as I listened to that and I could feel the familiar heat that I only get before blacking out and losing my temper rising to my chest. Fists at my sides, I took a deep breath and multiple steps back. I can't lose my cool like I did after our debut. That mistake nearly cost me all three of my bandmates' good opinions and I couldn't let it happen again.

To my surprise, the door flung open and I swiftly tried to play it off as though I'd just arrived. Hidan's eyes locked onto mine, wide with shock, before narrowing, but he remained grinning, "You scared the fuck out of me, man. What's up?"

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, "I need to call someone. I can go somewhere else."

He held the door open so I could pass, "No worries. I'm headed back up anyway." I nodded in thanks as I stepped outside and waited for the door to latch as it closed behind him before immediately texting Sakura and asking her to meet me so I could tell her what I'd just overheard.

Ten entire minutes passed as I waited for a response before I realized it wasn't going to come. My grip on my phone tightened and I glared at the grass as I sat on the bottom step.

The way Hidan made it sound, Sasori was only with Sakura for sex and the notion made me want to be sick. How could he treat anyone like that, much less someone as wonderful as Sakura? She's been nothing less than smitten with that asshole since they first met and he's repaying her by treating her like a piece of meat?

Red was seeping into my vision and my pulse was quick.

I don't want her to be with anyone except for me, but that's not my decision. It's hers. I respect that, too, because if I didn't I'd be no better than Sasori or Hidan. However, the guy that's lucky enough to receive her affection better treat her with the respect and care that she deserves.

It took a few minutes for me to simmer my anger down before I was able to think more logically. I'll just go upstairs, make sure nothing bad happens to her tonight, and talk to her about what I heard tomorrow. She was already incredibly drunk when I came down here, so it's likely she wouldn't be able to properly process the news anyway.

With a frown, I went upstairs and re-entered her and Hinata's dorm. I looked everywhere for her only to fail before suddenly realizing Sasori was also missing. My eyes turned onto her closed bedroom door and my heart sank into my stomach. Before I could realize what I was doing, my feet took me to it and all the air in my lungs left me when I saw what was going on.

Sakura was beyond trashed, I could tell by the dazed look on her face as she stared at the ceiling. Sasori was taking advantage of that. Her shirt was up so her bra was visible. He froze with his fingers beneath the hem of her shorts like he was about to pull them off of her and looked at me.

In a blink, I was using every bit of my strength to stop myself from beating him to a pulp and instead threatened him. Sakura was way too close for me to lose my temper and start a fight. She'd be in danger of getting caught in the crossfire and I refused to let that happen.

"Get away from her right now."

Sasori climbed off of her before shoving me back with a hand on either of my shoulders. My hands gripped the front of his shirt and we glared at one another, "Back off, kid."

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