Only six months Sage then you will be with your family no one will stop you then not even yourself. 

These words eased my heart. Sophia walked through the door after five minutes. She moved her eyes all over the packed area to find me. I waved my hand to her to get her attention. A relieved expression swept on her face as she caught my signal. She walked towards me and took her seat as the waiter came and gave us the menu. I was deciding what to order when I saw her looking at me with her narrowed eyes. I raised my brows in question. 

"Will you tell me now what you did before entering the car?" she asked with the same expression on her face. That's when I remembered I had promised to tell her when we reach here. She is not this patient person when it comes to telling her something interested. 

"Sorry I completely forgot about it," I said with a sheepish smile on my face. She was about to whine when I said. "I keyed the grey eye monster's car," I said in my excited voice making her shut her mouth but just in a few seconds her eyes became wide in surprise and a small gasp left her mouth. I like the expression on her face. 

"You did what," she asked in her stunned voice and it made the grin on my mouth even bigger. 

"Yes you heard it right I keyed his car," I said in my proud voice to make her believe. 

"You keyed his expensive sports car," she asked in the same voice and I nodded proudly as if I had won a gold medal. 

"Sage, what if he comes to know you did that. Won't he make everything hard for then it is now," she asked in her concerned voice. 

"I didn't think much about it after what he said to me today," I said in my grim voice. I just have him for what he said to me today. He tried to rupture my self-esteem. The more you try to suppress me you grey eye monster I will rise back with full power and prove you wrong. I will not quit and enter the kitchen with my skills. 

"What did he say," she asked with furrowed brows. I told her everything from the starting of my nightmare to the end until I left that place. 

"Oh God, he is such a dick head. You did right next time we will throw a rock on his car to dent it" she said angrily while looking at me with anger-filled eyes. 

"Sounds good, let's do it," I said with a scamp smile on my face. I knew she would say that I was right. If she was in my place she would have done the same thing. She moved her head in amusement and looked at the menu as she knew I was already making a plan to do the thing she advised me to do. He is being so mean to me it has been only two days and his attitude is already pissing me off. Just because I need this job I'm letting him bully me or else I would have shown him what I do to bully. 

You just say these kinds of words behind his back but once you are standing in front of him you become a frightened cat. 

My inner voice mocked me. 

What should I do? His grey eyes make me want to run away even when I did nothing wrong. He just has that regal power in his eyes which can make people fear him even when they are not guilty. 

"Are you ready to order?" a waiter asked while taking me out of my thoughts. His question made me realize I have been only staring at the menu for the past five minutes. I looked at the menu in a hurry as I knew the waiter would be busy and I'm wasting his time. I decided soon and ordered my food. Then Sophia did hers. The waiter scribbled it on his notepad and went to deliver it to the kitchen. 

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