"The fact that the baby isn't yours... OUCH!" I yelped as he slapped my ass as I walked passed.

"Is this shit a joke to you? I get that you are happy that's not your kid..."

"E we can move on from this. You know we can but I do... I want to know if Leila is mine. Her eyes my not be green like the boys but..."

"Are you serious? You have put a lot of thought into this huh?"

"I have."

"What makes you think that she is yours?" I asked him. It would cause a large issue if I made a mistake and Leila was Sloane's daughter.

"Do I need to say it again? I was handling your needs and urges long before your he was. That's just to be politically correct." Sloane kissed me as it hit me. She very well could be his kid.

"Stop." I said breathlessly as my body reacted cried his touch.

"You have never said that she wasn't E. You never denied it. Come on baby I was you first and I'll be your last." He pointed out. As I looked away be used is hand to move my face back to him.


"Just like you couldn't deny that you loved me then. E open your eyes."

"You knew I loved you." I put my finger in his face.

"You loved me and still chose to be with that nigga knowing he couldn't do what I did for you. Knowing you made yourself love him to spite me."

"Spite you?" I asked. This was getting a little too deep for me. My breathing became shallow and my mind raced.

"The shit is old but if you want to get in to it we can. I told you baby you aren't a victim in all of this. We were meant to be and that nigga was in the way."

"Listen, you are right. I shouldn't have... I was wrong to..." I couldn't form my sentences.

"You have to admit that there is a big chance. You were staying with me after school almost every day. Let's be honest E we were doing shit that no teenagers should be doing to each other." I rolled my eyes. As he pulled me closer.

"Sloane you're acting like a horny ass teenager now." I managed to say as he pressed his third legs in to me.

"E I'm stating facts. We... I could have gotten you pregnant at that time. E I was in you every single day for months before you laid down with Tay." He wasn't wrong. The one thing that I always appreciated about him is that he never brought it up. He was absolutely right.
"We were fucking like rabbits every single day after the first time." I added. At one point it was so bad that his neighbor started to complain which is why he moved into his family home, the brownstone when his parents moved out.

"I showed you what good head really was. Had you calling my daddy at 16 years old." He stepped closer to me.

"We can have a conversation without you touching me. You know exactly what you are doing and you need to stop."

"I mean if every time I touch you you want to fuck that's on you. I can help you out with it if you need me too."

"Stick to the subject."

"I'm not mad. I didn't know and you didn't know. I'll even let him continue to be in her life. You don't have to change her schedule or anything but I just wanna know." Memories of how happy I was at that time started coming back. I was happy with Sloane even though I literally cheating on Tay. I knew what it was like to push events out of my head to make it as if they didn't happen so how could I be mad at Sloane for doing the same. But then again I was just a kid and a lot less manipulative than Sloane.

"I'll see you at home. We can talk about it or not. I'll keep my hands off you or not. You just let me know." He kissed me again.

"I can't stand you."

"I have a place where you can sit. A couple of people if you are nasty." He said making me laugh.

"You can't throw your little dick around at shit like this. You need to go to the doctor."

"I have my most recent results right here." He pulled out his phone and walked over to me.

"Pull them up." I yelled as he walked closer. I moved through his online patient portal to see his last appointment and all the notes. He did go multiple times and was thankfully all clear. The time stamps put the fact that this was so long ago into perspective.

"My dick wasn't little the other night and the scratches on my back..."

"Relax." I cut him off as he whispered in my ear.

"E let me make it up to you. I don't know how but it will be done. Emerald I'm just lucky you are speaking to me right now. I mean I want to touch you too but..." He stopped playing.

"I need you to focus."

"It was so long ago and it doesn't change that it happened..."

"So what you want celebratory sex because it's not you baby?" He got quiet.

"Go talk to your brother. Did you get your car fixed?" I said raising my voice.

"Two 2021s are in the way baby. I hope you like yours." He said loud enough for me to hear as he went back in to the club and Erin got out of her car.

"We don't need two more cars" I helped as he slipped away.

"I LOVE YOU." He said back.

"I'm so sorry." I said as soon as I Erin got out of the car. I could tell that she had been doing some hard thinking.

"It's my fault. I wanted to be in a relationship so bad I compromised myself. I lost my values over some dick and I knew he was married. This is what I get." She dries her tears.

"I don't want to hold y'all up. I know he had something planned for you so you can just follow me and I'll watch the boys."

"Planned for who?" I asked her as she opened her car door.

"It's a big thing. I shouldn't be talking about it it's a surprise." She reached in and grabbed a pharmacy bag and taking a bottle of water out of it.

"Erin." I whispered looking into the bag.

"I don't know E." She broke down so fast I didn't know what to do. I pulled her in to my arms as her tears soaked my shirt. I noticed that the pregnancy test were unopened and she had a bag full of the.

"E I don't know what I'm going to do." I rubbed her back as she sobbed. This wasn't her first pregnancy scare but it was definitely her most important. If she is pregnant she has a hell of a decision to make.

"Ok you have to take the test first. Take the test and we go from there. I got you if no one else does. This is my fault." I told her. She backed up a bit.

"How is this your fault?"She asked me.

"I didn't provide a good example for you. I should have protected you and I let you think it was ok." I felt guilty because I knew my younger sister was around and I was letting my husband do what ever he wanted.

"It has nothing to do with you. I knew it was wrong. Your situation is different and he is trying to do better even though this but him in the ass. On top of that you and I both know that you won't be happy with out him." She said still catching her breath from crying.

"I'll go to the townhouse and we can this figure out. How is that?" I was tired but this needs to be figured out tonight.

"What about..."

"He will be fine. I'll meet you over there."

"E you have to go..."

"I have to make sure you are ok. Sloane can wait."

Streets and Sheets 5Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon