♣️ Trouble ♣️

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Everything was going fine even though it was a bit awkward, i mean mostly from my side as he kissed me out of blue and took my first.. FIRST damn kiss away. It did reached my expectations, i mean i wanted it to be slow, passionate and full of love, well not out of love at least not for me but it was so sudden i couldn't reciprocate it as i wanted. Well, why the hell did he kissed me, but the feeling was so ecstatic his lips on my lips moving ever so softly against my own i want to feel it once more. Okay fucking stop Jimin, what are you even thinking. That happened few days ago but i still can't get it out of my mind. It's just so damn hard to forget it when he is always there to remind me of it, i always remember it once i see his face again.


We heard a gun shot, it was fired on the trunk i guess, then once again we heard it, jungkook quickly and abruptly turned the steering towards left as two black SUV's started to tail behind us. God damnit what's happening? I was getting scared for both of our life but jungkook was much calm and collected which made me question his sanity as why was he so calm when there was firing going on around us.

"Listen angel, without questions do as i say okay?" He said still looking reserved while shifting gears to somehow getting rid of them. Another gun shot was heard and the bullet came piercing the back windshield almost destroying the whole glass but luckily the glass was much stronger it only was left with a huge crack descending down it.

I screamed hearing it, almost jumping on the seat, but the seat belt did a great job of keeping me on my place. I placed my both palm on my ears trying to stop the sound of firing as it was now more prominent than anything. They were firing continuously missing few shots while most of them where dodged by Jungkook as he kept changing position from left to right. The tears started to form in my eyes as i was so scared now.

"Sit tight angel, duck you head down and don't look up till i tell you to do so" he said getting his gun out from the back of his waistband holster. I was starting wide eye towards that awful weapon which knows nothing more than to just take lives. What's really happening here? who are all those people? Why are they following us like crazy? Did jungkook do something to them? lots of questions were swirling around in my head but I had no whatsoever answers to any of my own question.

"NOW JIMIN" he growled, making every cell in my body to shiver and i was quick to comply with what he wanted me to do and he said my name no angel, no baby which means he really is seriously and wants me to do as he says.

After lots of twist and turn and i don't know dodging how many damn bullets with a few firing from jungkook's side it was quiet now....no firing sound could be heard. I put my head back on the seat and turned around to look back and check whether the SUV's were still following us or not and there was nothing the road was completely empty. It really is strange just a few minutes ago things were different but now it's too quiet. I should be relaxed as things got cool down but all I could feel was worry. Something is wrong.

"I told you not to look up till I tell you to do so, what the hell are you doing jimin?" Jungkook said more like scolded. We were in the middle of forest, I don't know where are we going either and I didn't dare to ask him because what if he snapped at me. Things around us are enough I don't want to add more to his miseries. I didn't replied just looked at the front avoiding any sort of conversation with him, because I know how I am i'll be a total sassy bastard and right now we both don't need that.

Suddenly, a car passed from my side almost crashing into the side but that's not the only thing, they fired a bullet through my side of window, it cracked one more bullet and the bullet will hit me directly. Jungkook on the other hand tried to sped up trying to get away but this time luck wasn't on our side another car passed us with a blazing speed right from my side and another gun shot was heard.

"JIMIN!!" Jungkook screamed as the blood started oozing from the nasty wound on my bicep.

I screamed from the gut wrenching pain that went through my body as the bullet went through piercing the side of my bicep, Jungkook was quick enough to dodge it by pushing himself back on his seat, that bullet hit his side of window cracking it. The condition of our car wasn't better now, wherever you will see you could only look at the broken glasses with cracks just leaving the front rear glass which were still intact on its place. I bet there will be lots of hole in the back of the car as most of bullets were fired from the back. I couldn't think straight as the pain really was too much.

"I told you not to get your head up, but no you have to be stubborn and look what you got yourself into" he was really worried, I swear I didn't saw him giving a fuck about anything when they were mercilessly firing bullet he wasn't even showing any emotions but when I'm injured now he is looking so concerned. He was continuously glancing my way while driving that I was scared we will run into a accident but that thought flew right out the window once I realised we were deep inside the forest. The forest was too dense, I couldn't see any life in here, not a single house or soul... I mean I know it's a forest but sometimes people like to have a house in here for vacation because it will be peaceful and no one could disturb, they could have a calm and stress free vacation for them so why not. Don't declare me mad I've read it in few books plus I've seen them in movies as well...even our house is in the middle of the forest. WAIT, did I said our no, no, no, no..... I shouldn't be this comfortable with him. He is dangerous, very dangerous. He is a Mafia boss for crying out loud.

As Jungkook was busy looking at me the same SUV from before came from his side bumping into our car while Jungkook lost his control over steering and car went towards the left and off the road the car still wasn't in the control when another SUV bumped from backside making us crash on the huge tree which was right Infront of us. I jerked forward from the impact, hitting my head strongly at my front. Well, you see my seat belt came out of its holder when we were busy taking twist and turns which I was unaware of that's why I went flying straight on the dashboard and hitting my head not so lightly.

This is what I was scared of, I knew something was going to happen. I knew one of us will end up getting hurt and for the first time i'm glad that it was me not jungkook, i'm happy he is okay. I know I told myself not to get involve with him and I was ready to even run away from him but right now his wellbeing mattered more to me. Even if die now I won't have regrets nor guilt.

"NO GOD DAMNIT, JIMIN LOOK AT ME... BABY OPEN YOUR EYES" that's all I could hear until I finally went numb, I know I was in Jungkook's arm so I did let my self loose trusting him enough to not let me die.


oh sorry I told you I won't update till Eid but I had time so I thought why not give you guyz a surprise update... i'm already lagging behind my updates so its better if I continue with it whenever I get time..... I know I know I give you so many excuses but trust me I have a very hectic schedule so please don't get frustrated I try my best. Hope you guyz will enjoy this. Borahae..

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