♣️ Shopping? ♣️

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[ Not Edited ]

Today i decided to shut my busy mind down and take my beautiful angel for shopping. I've been thinking of what to do, so we could get more closer or i could probably again have a chance to lock that smooth plump lips against mine. That kiss has been on my mind. All i could feel is his soft baby like lips on mine moving so passionately again me. I seriously got a boner few times and that too in the middle of work.

How more embarrassing things could get? Joke aside I'm trying to be more attentive towards him, this past few days I've giving my most of time to him, even leaving my mafia shit which i never did. Never.

I wasn't joking when i said i fell deeply for him, i still don't know if it's love or something else. I was never good at understand my feelings or emotions which is a huge ass disadvantage for me as i couldn't understand my feelings for my angel. But I'll just go with love. I mean I can't see him crying, it hurts me a lot it's love right? When i see him all happy i feel happy or proud that i was the reason he was happy, this is love right? I can't see him with any other male to be exact i feel this insane anger in my chest all i see is red, it's love right? I want to lock him up in my mansion and never let him out of my sight, it's love right?

Too many questions but i have answers for none. Honestly speaking I'm tired, I've been handling Kim's shit and now he is constantly attacking either my Mafia business or my normal business, he even went this far that his men was following Jimin. Which scared me the most. This is all too much for me.

"Baby, wake up" i said as he was still sleeping peacefully, I didn't wanted to wake him up but it's for the best. I carefully caressed his hair which were spread everywhere on his pillow and on his forehead giving him an ethereal look. Even when he is sleeping he still looks breathtaking.

"5 more minutes Please" he whined, changing his side to get away from my hands and pulled the sheet till he was completely inside them. Such a baby. I chuckled a little.

"No baby we have to go out, now wake up" i said again and he suddenly sat on the bed looking at me with big excited eyes, i really want to kiss him and he is making me work too much on my self-control. 

"Where are we going?" He asked still excited to know he was practically bouncing. I guess he really wanted to go out. Oh baby your wish is my command. If i couldn't fulfill your every wish, what am i living for then?

"You will see, come on now get up and get ready in 10 minutes so we could grab breakfast and then we will go" i said and he pouted, oh please no don't do this to me. I would have grabbed him and kissed him right then and there but I'm trying to be good with him. I can't ruin my image more than it already had been. I want to be the man he could proudly call his Infront of every one.

"I want to know where we are going" he tried again but i want it to be a surprise so i won't tell him. Now I'll have to use my stern tone on him which I don't like.

"Be ready and down in 10 minutes" i said with no room for discussion or any further arguments. He probably understood it as he went into the closest with the same pout. I really want to squeeze his cheeks. He is like a baby you know, even he acts like a baby.

I went downstairs as our breakfast was already served on the table, i took my coffee and started to drink it, waiting for my angel to come down so we could eat together. After a while he came running as i told him to be down in 10 minutes but he was 15 minutes late.

"Sorry, it took me time to get ready" he said maybe feeling guilty. But i just shook my head and told him it was okay and we started to eat our breakfast.

His eating habits always scares me to death because he won't eat more than 1 piece of toast and juice sometimes with only a pancake. It's not good for him, i told him to eat more but he said he can't. Well if he will continue to be like this I'm afraid I'll have to force him to eat.

"Sit right back down and take one more pancake jimin, we aren't leaving this house till you won't finish one more of it" i said sternly he gulped, scared that i raised my voice but it was really necessary.  He did as told and took another pancake, he was eating it but i seriously felt like he wasn't eating his breakfast, his breakfast was eating him. After more 10 minutes of him chewing slowly like a slowpoke he finished his breakfast. Finally.

I took my things and my gun, quickly hiding it so Jimin couldn't see it and get scared. I know i do that stuffs like a lot and one day he will have to see all these things but he is way too innocent for me to show him this just yet. I will do so once he will be ready for it. He knows that I'm a mafia boss and that almost caused him to lose his consciousness that day, I don't want to give him a heart attack by showing all this.

We went out and i took one of my car which was Range Rover, I've always liked it. I know there are many more fantastic models which are latest and much better but still i have too many memories attached with this one. I opened the door for him and he giggle a bit from my action which automatically caused me to smile, which i tried to hide as my guards and workers were present around me. No one has seen me smile, and i want to keep it that way. They will think I'm all soft now which i am but i don't want them to know. This will change their perspective about me and which will lead them to make a decision about betraying or some other stuffs like that.

You know once you show your soft side, when whole your life you only had a poker face they will think that you have changed and now they could easily manipulate you which is not true but what do you expect from fools whose mind works like that. That's why they work under me and I'm their boss.

I quickly went on the other side and made sure that he had his seat belt and started driving. It was peaceful silence between us, as if we were comfortable with each others presence. It was all going good till.....



First of all
A big thankyou for the 1K reads I'm so happy...this was the fastest I've achieved it. All those who helped me till here i want to thank you so much for your support and being with me because sometimes I'm too much as I don't update more frequently or some short chapter. I'm really sorry for that I'll try to improve.

Secondly I'm going to put this book on hold till 15th of may because I have my exams and Eid ... So i want to celebrate it peacefully.

Thirdly please feel free to point out my mistakes as this chapter isn't edited and I've wrote it in hurry just to thank you guyz and express my gratitude for your support.

Okay byeeee Borahae, I'll see you when I'll be finally free from my other stuffs....till then wait forrrr meeee....💜

Only Mine ( Jikook / Taegi ) [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon