♣️ Tension ♣️

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Days are passing by very quick, its been already a week since i last saw jeon fucking jungkook, i really hate him. Because of him i call my grandmother everyday, I'm scared if he did something to them I won't be able to bare it, I've already lost my parent they are all i have and I'm not planning of letting them go anywhere.

If i have to agree with jungkook's stupid order i will do it. In order to keep them safe i will do anything, but if jungkook think that i will go easy on him then he is in for hell of a ride.

I still have lot of time to think about that and I'll try my best to avoid ending up in jungkook's clutch. I thought he was a nice guy... I won't lie when i first saw him, i was just mesmerized by his beauty... He was so handsome i swear my heartbeat picked up pace just by looking at him but now i feel like slapping myself for even thinking that about him. He is son of Satan, the cruel, idiot devil i only want to kill.

His touch did something to me... I felt weird in my stomach when he held me that day... I was so overwhelmed by that feeling i almost surrendered myself.


Tae was as usual fussing about his pizza that i stole, right now he was threatening me about how he will chop my fingers into small pieces and would feed them to our neighbours dog. I totally was unbothered by his empty threats and continued devouring the amazing pizza.

I was trying so hard to just live in the moment, to just keep aside all of my worries and enjoy my best friends company. I don't even know if i will get this kind of moments once i would live with jungkook.

We were currently watching a movie and i was cuddling with tae, my head on his chest and legs over his legs, his hand around my waist holding me securely, his warm arm around me always gives me protective feel.

Around 20 minutes later my phone lite up indicating i got a message, and then tae's phone lite up after me. I was puzzled but then i thought it would be about work.

I quickly untangled myself from tae and unlocked my phone to see an unknown number has messaged me. I tap it and my eyes widen in horror. How the fuck is this possible?



Only he can message me like this,i frantically started looking around but then i saw tae switching off the tv and he quickly said that he was sleepy and going to sleep because he got message from office about his meeting tomorrow which is early so he went away to sleep. But i was still looking around. How can he know what i was doing?

Don't search baby its useless you will never know about it. Well you just be ready for when the time comes. Goodnight angel and stay away from that shit.

Horrible that's what I'm feeling right now. I'm stuck in this fucking situation where i don't know what will happen if i will do something which he don't like.


"Boss we the Kim's are still being a great threat i for once am sure that the consignment that was late for shipping was because of them" namjoon hyung was explaining about the consignment but i was still not sure about that matter.

The consignment which was about to be shipped was only discussed privately because i didn't wanted to include more people in this one as it was important to be shipped by the time. How can they know about something which was privately discussed among few of us.

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