♦️ Lost ♦️

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[Not Edited]

(After getting caught)

I don't know where he was taking me, the same man i met at a party and then for the meeting. Yes, your right it's none other than Min Yoongi. He caught me when i ran from the other side putting a piece of cloth on my mouth, i was adamant that i won't inhale but things got out of my hands as i was having a hard time to breathe so i finally let myself to inhale from that cloth and after a few seconds i was unconscious.

I opened my eyes, trying to adjust with the brightness around. I sat up straight on the bed as soon as i remembered what actually happened. I ran towards the door as fast as i could but it was locked, i was aggressively twisting the knob trying to open it, even if i knew it wasn't going to happen. I ran back towards windows, trying to open it but to no avail. Nothing was working, i was locked in. My shoulder slumped down in disappointment and i went back on to the bed sitting at the corner and covering myself with the sheets.

I was so lost right now, I didn't knew anything about Jimin or about our family. What will happen to them? We are caught so that means Jungkook has our family members, no..no..no..no this can't be real, he can't have them. He will kill them and what about chim, no he can't have my chim, my baby is innocent. He doesn't know how to defend himself, all his life me and jin hyung have protected him and now he is all alone with that bastard Mafia boss. Why does he have to come into our lives. We were happy without him. I was crying and i didn't knew it till a lone tear fell on to my knees.

Suddenly the door opened and i looked towards it in fear. Yoongi walked and i just wanted to jump on him and kill him right then and there. I curled more into myself trying not to look at him.

"So you are finally awake" he said and at this time i just wanted to ask him if he was blind or what? I mean can't he see. I scoffed...but in my mind, this not the right time to do it infront of him.

"W-what d-d-do yo-u wa-an-t? " I asked still not looking at him, i was scared he might hurt me. I've met him just three times but i fear his presence. He is scary. He's presence scream danger.

"Hey, please don't get scared from me. I'm sorry i had to keep you like this but i had no other options. You left me with no choice" he said softly, i was shocked, no my ears might have some problem. I'm hearing things, this can't be real. I looked at him with my mouth and eyes wide open. At times when i met him he wasn't like this, no he was sassy yes, he was demanding yes, he was stern yes but soft nope, nah, never. He wasn't like this.

He slowly came near taking slow and steady steps as if i was a baby who will start crying. I still started to back away from him, not wanting him anywhere near me. He might be speaking softly but I'll never trust him. This all might be a facade. With few steps he came near me at took my hands in his lightly, but as soon as i started to tug on it just to take them away he tightened his hold a bit, not much to hurt me but just tight enough to not get my hands out of his grip.

"Listen to me okay" he asked lightly. Seriously he will give me a heart attack if he will continue to speak with me with this softness. What's really happening? I nodded  thinking it might be better if I'll hear him out and I'll also get to know about my chim and family.

"Jimin is safe, jungkook would never hurt him" i wanted to scoff so badly but i held my tongue. I didn't replied to it giving him the hint that i want him to continue with whatever he wanted to tell me.

"Your family is safe, we won't kill them. They are under our protection." He said, a sigh of relief left my mouth as soon as i got to know that everyone was safe, but it still doesn't mean that they will kidnap us like this. They have no rights over us to held us like this.

"Why did you do all this?" I said a bit calmed now. I wanted answers. I'm feeling like shit. I couldn't protect my family, i couldn't protect my chim... I'm feeling so helpless and useless right now. I jsut want to break down but if i had to get out of here to save chim and our family i need to be strong.

"I told you not to cross your limits, i told you to leave jimin alone.. i told you all those things to keep you away from this but you didn't listened and now look what happened. I wanted to protect you from this. I know you're thinking that jungkook will hurt jimin but jungkook really loves him, he isn't going to hurt jimin, nothing's gonna happen to him. Give jungkook a chance" he said, why would i believe him. Why would i trust him with the baby i raised with so much care and love. Why would i give him a chance, when i no nothing about him other than he is a dangerous mafia king who kills for fun. No i don't trust him at all.

"How can trust him when I no nothing about jungkook apart from him being a mafia king, who is dangerous. My baby is innocent, he gets scared when he is around strangers. He might be so scared right now. How can i give jungkook a chance when he kidnapped us when he could have just take things slow and try to talk to chim first rather than scaring him away" i said as softly as i could as i was really holding myself not to scream it on his face.

"I'll tell you something but not now you'll have to rest for now, I'll send your dinner, you'll eat it like a good boy and sleep after changing and freshening up. I'll clear every doubt you have but not today. I promise, I've never promised anything to anyone but I'm willing to do it please do as i say just for today" he said more like requested. REQUESTED, WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING? why is he like this? I sighed, it's better to do as he says. I'll gett o know everything tomorrow anyways so it's better if I don't push him more. He's behaving so weirdly right now, it's better if we talk tomorrow.

"Okay, I'll listen to you but just for now" i said and he smile slightly. I could see a subtle rise of his lips but if i wouldn't be looking at him from so closely, i would have missed it.

He pecked my forehead lightly. My eyes went wide, as wide as a saucer is. Did he just pecked me on my forehead or am i dreaming? Today is so weird. We got kidnapped, he was talking to me like a decent person would which is totally opposite of his personality, then he pecked me. Without pondering on that kiss i went to shower and saw fresh set of clothes, neatly place on the side of sink.

After getting changed i came out to see food was placed on the side table. I quickly went to eat it because i was so hungry after finishing up i went to sleep with lot's of questions lingering around my head. Well I'll get my answers tomorrow. With the thought i drifted to sleep.

I'm really trying hard to keep my updates constant..😁 but I'm still giving my university exams side by side so please don't get frustrated and please understand me. I love you...Borahae💜

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