♦️Trust ♦️

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[Not Edited]


I took a deep breath, now no going back. I'll have to get through this. Okay, i can do it. I did a little prep talk to myself giving myself a bit strength.

"Okay so should i start?" I asked tae, i know he was eagerly waiting for me to tell him i could.cpearly see from his face but i still wanted to confirm. He nodded.

"Jungkook wasn't like this at first, something tragic happened with him when he was just 4 years old that turned him into the man that he is right now. He wasn't this emotionless, cruel, cold-hearted motherfucker, excuse me for my language but I can't speak decently for a long time" i said without breaking a sweat and admitted without a shame that i couldn't stay long without cursing.

"What happened with him? Why did he became like this? Tell me" tae asked impatiently.

"You know I'm gonna break his trust by telling you all this right? I'm risking my friendship just because i want you to let him live peacefully with jimin" he nodded again letting ke know that he knows and i saw a thankful expression on his face.

"His parents were killed right Infront of his eyes when he was just 4 year old. Can you imagine how would have you felt when your parents were killed right Infront of your eyes when you were just a 4 year old?" I asked painfully it was like i could feel the pain myself. I couldn't even think of myself getting in that situation but the fact is that i never really had a parents, i mean yeah i had parents but they left me on the road to fend me for myself not caring about me at all. Sorry this isn't about me right now, i will tell you my sad story some other day.

It was peaceful morning for Jeons. Birds were chirping, the breeze was cool slapping the leaves that were swaying so delicately through the wind. Everything was pleasant about this morning, everything was beautiful. There sat a family outside in the garden having a breakfast while happiness surrounded them. They were talking, they were laughing but most importantly they were happy.

Little jungkook was getting feed by his mother while his dad was trying to distract him by making goofy faces, yes he was having the day of his life. But what he didn't knew was that this all was going to come to an end, all this laughs, all this conversation, all this beautiful moments were going to end up just being a memory, a memory that he will long to be true.

It all started with few people in black suits entered the gate of their mansion which had guards but unfortunately each one of them were found on the ground, lifeless. After hearing gunshots jungkook's father picked him up and placed him the wooden barrel that were placed in the garden for some work.

"Jungkook baby listen, mommy and daddy are going to deal with all this okay so promise daddy that you won't come out till the bad man will get out of here?" Mr. Jeon said to his little son who was looking up at him with his innocent baby doe eyes. He couldn't understand what was going on he was happy just now, but now his dad wants him to promise, not come out.

"Daddy, why do i have to sit here? Why can i go to mommy and eat breakfast? Why can't we play again? And who are those scary uncles?" He asked innocently.

"Baby daddy has to work okay. Mommy and daddy will talk to uncles. But promise me baby you won't come out of here" Mtlr. Jeon asked again but little jungkook wasn't ready to make such promise. What if something happens to his parents? What if they will get hurt? What if they will need him? He is a strong boy he will help them, is what jungkook thought. Mr. Jeon quickly called Mrs. Jeon for help as more guards were trying to stop Kim's from entering fully into the gates. What can you say the mansion was well protect because Mr. Jeon always wanted to protect his family, that's why he was always careful.

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