♣️ Caught ♣️

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I was so happy when i got the message about jimin agreeing about giving up everything and coming to me willingly but i still doubted him, i mean I'm not that naive, for god sake I'm a mafia leader i don't believe things this easily but i decided to give my baby what he wanted if he wants to stay alone for a while i would give it to him because when i saw the look on his face when i didn't answered and the sob that i heard, it did something to my heart i honestly didn't knew what i was feeling but i was sure that i didn't want to hear it again... that sob, it was really painful. So i reluctantly agreed to his conditions.

But i got a call from hobi hyung early in the morning i mean it was 5 or something for fuck sake, but i got the ultimate shock when i got to know that he saw my jimin and his dimwit friend pulling their luggage out of their building and into the car. That's when everything started to make sense in my mind, that's why he asked for few days time to spend with his loved one's, that's why he asked me to switch off every camera and to stop following him... he wanted to get away from me. Fuck how could i fell for this. But it won't end like that, he isn't going anywhere. If he thinks that he can get away from me this easily, i will gladly let him know where does he belong.

"LOOK FOR THEIR PARENTS RIGHT FUCKING NOW" i called one of my men who was keeping eye on their family for checking their house. If jimin planned to run away he won't risk his family's safety.

"Hyung call the lawyer tell him to prepare the marriage papers right now, i want them in my office in an hour, and also prepare the church and few of our members only trusted one and get everything ready before i reach there. I'm gonna marry him now" i hung up before he could speak but i didn't care i was fuming all i could see was red.

I was being nice to him, giving consideration to his thoughts, trying to be patience with him as much as i could be but all he did was tried to run away and now i would do what i promised to him.

"Boss no one is in the house even i called at the company where young master's friend dad use to work they said he was on leave because he was sick so we even checked their house but it was empty" my men informed me. I FUCKING KNEW IT. You crossed your limit my baby and you need to be punished for that.

"Contact every men we have and tell them to search everywhere for them i want information till evening if i won't get the file on my office desk by the time i would make sure to put you in hell" i warned him and hung up.

While i was contacting to them i was getting ready as well so by the time i attended last call i was already half way to reach my destination which was in the middle of the highway. After we reached there, i informed yoongi hyung about the situation he said he was on his way, to which i was thankful for because i will have to handle my baby but who will be there for his dimwitted friend so i was thankful for his help.

I was so engrossed in my thought that i almost missed the ringing of my phone, but quickly picked it up.

"What is it?" i asked in a stern voice, which was known to be the only tone i could speak. For them.

"Boss we found them, they are staying with a guy name Kai in Canada. He is friend of young master" I smirked.

"Good now keep eye on them and inform me regularly about where they are going and whatever they are doing" now, now baby if you thought that it was easy to slip right through my fingers then you have another thing coming your way.

After 5 minutes i could hear tire screeching so looked upwards and saw the only thing i wanted to see. My Baby but he wasn't looking at front but was looking at his friend, looks like he was going to scold him. But then he looked towards the front and i smirked but quickly changed my expression. I was leaning on my car but was looking straight in my baby's eyes. Oh how good it felt to see his expression which tells me that he was now scared, good that's what i wanted.

He smacked his friend's head while yelling something i couldn't hear but then he quickly opened the door and started running the other way, i smirked again. I quickly charged towards him easily catching up to him but he didn't gave up he started running faster which was no problem to me, i still could easily catch him. But then i decided to cut the crap and finally catch him, which is what i did. He was out of breath and was thrashing around screaming in my arms, which was of no use as i was much stronger than him.

" I fucking told you, don't try to do anything funny behind my back. I trusted you but look what you did, you tried running away from me. You think you could easily slip past me and I won't even know." I  pinned him against his car and he was now caged between my arms, he couldn't move, there was no space between us, i was still glaring at him hard. So he could see that the stunt he pulled is going to get him in some serious trouble. I was trying to show him anger through my glaring.

"You did what i told you not to and now i will do what i promised to you. Be ready baby. You brought this upon yourself. " I threatened and i know he knew exactly what i was talking about, because I'm not the one to back out of my promises.

"No leave me, I don't want to stay with you... Please let me go" he was crying by now.... He was pleading me to leave him but we all know that's not going to happen. He was trying to push me away from him but i put my arm around his waist and pulled him more into me and i could feel his breath hitched. But i still was raging. This all feels good, i wanted to forget what he did but if i let him go this time he would do something like this in future.

He was still trying to get away from me but it was of no use now. I was much stronger than him.

"TAE WHERE ARE YOU TAE....?" He screamed as he stsrted looking around him maybe because he didn't see him around and just like that i  growl. I was insanely mad. How the fuck he dared to take some other man's name infront of me. HE IS MINE AND MINE ONLY. All i wanted to do was kiss him like no tomorrow but i held myself back because he was already sacred and i didn't wanted to put more stress on him.

"DON'T FUCKING CALL HIM, HE WON'T BE COMING TO HELP YOU, NO ONE CAN GET YOU OUT OF MY GRIP.. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT... YOU AIN'T GETTING AWAY. " I growled more and now he looked scared but before i could say something more he passed out in my arms and finally i had him in my arms. I picked him up in bridal style and put him inside my car and told my driver to take us home not caring about his friend. I knew yoongi hyung would have taken care of him.

I caressed his soft silky hair and smiled looking at his baby face. Now baby be ready to get married.


It was an instant update but still and I'm not sure when I'm going to update next because of my graduation which is in two months and i will be extremely busy with that.... Plus i will maybe update it once on my bday but after that im not so sure so you guyz have to wait....and this chapter is not edited so be careful.....i love you guyz...
Borahae 💜

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