♣️ Want ♣️

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I would be fucking lying if i would say that i was okay, past one week all i could think is about the guy i saw at the party that night or should i say Park Jimin. It was really getting hard for me to forget him, all i could think was why can't i fucking forget him? i mean i have seen many hot, sexy, innocent etc. people who would actually beg me to fuck them willingly but i was never attracted to them. I have all information i needed about him, i already know everything about him but i'm still trying to have some distance with him. Its not me who would run after anyone everyone do that for me. Maybe this is just an infatuation, maybe i would forget about him once i would be busy with my work or so i thought because its been a long fucking week and i'm still thinking about that angel.

"where the fuck is my ship?" i yelled at the person infront of me all chained up to a chair and blooded just like i love it. Oh how it gives me the satisfaction and pride which only helps to boost my ego. Whew, being a mafia boss is not a fucking easy job.

"I don't fucking know" he spat, the fucking audacity this piece of shit have i'm gonna rip him into pieces and gonna feed it to the dogs. My eyes held blazing fire once he spat those words i won't fucking allow anyone to speak to me like that. I picked up the most sharpest knife i had in my collection. At this moment all i wanted was to torture him and kill him in most painful way.

I walked forward towards him with the most sickest smirk i could pull to give him the message that no matter how he will try to hide anything i would definitely find a way and with that i stabbed him on his right thigh. An ear piercing roar could be heard that was filled with so much agony, so much pain but i didn't care. All the frustration I've been feeling regarding Jimin and my work, all i could do was make someone suffer so i could tame my anger. Partially i didn't do anything wrong I'm hurting him because he know something about my work and he fucking spoke to me like i was his slave. Now he has to suffer.

"You better fucking tell me where is my fucking ship or I'm just staring" i said twisting the knife which was in his thigh making him scream.

"I would die rather than giving you any information you asshole" and that's it, he pulled the last string i was already holding myself back just because i wanted him to speak but now I don't fucking care. I took out the gun and without any second thoughts i pulled the trigger and shoot him directly on his forehead. I left without glancing at him because i already knew the work was done.

"Clean the fucking mess and throw his body somewhere so no one could find it" i said getting out of the basement. I walked in my room took a shower to clean myself as i had blood everywhere and my thoughts agin wandered towards Jimin oh how i wanted him all to myself...his eyes that held so much innocence...that sweet, soft pink lips and how it will feel against my own and about how i could touch him where ever i wanted to and what else i would do to him once he was in my arms.

I don't care if i sound desperate but all i know is i never felt this way for anyone not even any of the one night stand i had and god knows how many i had, i lost counts. I had Yoongi tailing him around and i also asked jhope to get as much information he could get about him...i always get pictures of him everyday about what he is doing at that current moment, his most pictures are with that asshole yoongi told me that he was his best friend but the hell i would believe any of that bullshit.

All i wanted to do was rip him apart from my angel and this is still a mysterious feeling for me. I was mostly void of any emotions i was known for my stoic behavior, so what i'm feeling right know is i don't know. He is so precious that i want to lock him in my room so no one could look at him. From past one week i was trying to hold my self back but now I've made my mind. He is going to be with me either willingly or i would have to do it in my way which he won't like at all but i don't care. He is going to see me tomorrow and i will let him know who i am, maybe i would try it nicely and he will give me a chance for starters we could be friends. This thought left me surprised FRIENDS ~~ fucking friends ~~ never in my life i have thought of trying to get something in nice way its always have been like "i want it, i have it" no nice way included.

This hide and seek is going to get me no where so I've decided to talking nicely at first but once i feel its not working i will use my own way and let me tell you it would be no where near nice. I called yoongi because i will need him to distract that little asshole who always cling to my angel, if yoongi wouldn't have his eyes on that asshole he would have been deep inside the ground by now.

" Yes Boss?" he questioned and i could already tell he was sleeping but as always i disturbed his precious sleep and i feel no what so ever guilty by doing this. A man should be alert 24/7 if he is working for me, you would never know when someone would hurt you or worse kill you that's how risky this job is.

"I want you to do anything so i could meet Jimin and it should look coincidental not like i did it intentionally and one more thing i want you to distract your eye candy for me " i straightforwardly told him no beating around the bushes.

"Wh- what the fuck are you talking about?" and now ladies and gentlemen his best friend mode was activated.

"A couple of moments before you addressed me as your boss and now we are being casual, not fair hyung" well don't question me about my honorifics he is still elder from me and i do have at least a small amount of manners with me. This is what Jin hyung taught me.

"fuck that and tell me why the fuck you want me to distract taehyung, what in this fucking world are you planning about?" i chuckled while talking to him there is no way he wouldn't curse in anything he talk about. Here he is,he fucking don't care that i told him to arrange everything so i could meet jimin "UN-INTENTIONALLY" but he freaking care when i'm giving him this huge ass chance to spend some time with his eye candy.

"because i need to talk to Jimin ALONE" i said putting pressure on the word alone so he could understand.

"why the fuck i had to do it,you practically have this whole fucking world under you just one word and no one will question about it but out of all you have to pick me" he whined i already knew he was glaring at me through the phone even if he couldn't see me.

"because i know you "want" him and don't fucking whine you can thank me later" i ended the call knowing he won't accept what i said and would just whine, and after that i spend my all evening doing some work in office and left late basically i was tired but i was excited for tomorrow, i couldn't wait to see my angel. As i went to take shower all i could think was Jimin, Jimin and Jimin i closed my eyes calming my nerves. I get all worked up just by thinking about him after that i went to bed for a peaceful sleep.


I'm back sorry it took me long but i just finished my exams and here i am with another update so please do let me know how was the chapter and again the chapter is not edited so let me know if you see any mistakes. See you again with new updates.

Only Mine ( Jikook / Taegi ) [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن