♣️Blackmailed ♣️

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"Everything is ready boss. We can procced further." I nodded and dismissed him. Now comes the tricky part, if he will create a scene I will have to do what I don't want to. I took a deep breath and went towards his room, two guards were standing outside the door as per my instruction.

"Leave, and tell everyone to not disturb me while I'm in there" I gave them a stern warning and went inside the room. My baby was sitting on the very end of the bed, he was looking outside maybe he was thinking but whatever I will have to break this peace. With two long strides I was right in front of him, he was shocked due to my sudden appearance but he quickly got back to his sense and pushed himself backward to move away from me, but I was quick to get hold of his arm and pulled him towards myself.

"Listen here baby and listen good... I don't like to repeat my words again and again... I told you not to do something reckless behind my back and you knew if you did anything you will get punished but it didn't stopped you from doing what you did... I guess you took my warning very lightly but now I'm gonna show you what happens when you disrespect me" i pulled him more into me if that was even possible, i really was losing my self control as he was so close to me all i wanted to do was to just kiss him senselessly but no i need to show him what happens when someone try to double cross me.

"No leave me.... Let me go. What have i ever done to you, why don't you just let me live my life peacefully?" He questioned and tried to get out of my hold which we both know was useless, his every effort were futile.

"Oh baby i didn't caught you to let you go. YOU ARE MINE. From now on you are going to live with me, you ain't going nowhere without my permission." I was fuming, i seriously tried to calm myself while talking to him but his attitude isn't very helpful.

"You don't own me. I'm no one's property to be claimed. Just fucking leave me and i would never stay with you" he yelled, and thats it Fuck patience i don't care anymore.

I put my hand on his hair took handful of it and pulled it backward not tight enough to hurt him but it was enough to keep him intact on his place. His eyes were red, tears were running out of the corners of his eyes as much as it hurt me to see him like this i will have to keep hold of my emotions for now.

"I don't think we would want to get your family tied in my basement and tortured mercilessly now would we" he eyes went wide as saucer as if he had seen ghost, he went pale and i smirked. Got you where i wanted you to be baby sorry i had to do this but you left me with no other option.

"You won't da-a-re to" he stuttered.

"Oh baby you no nothing about what i will dare to or what i won't dare to..." I tightened my grip a bit and he hissed in pain. I put my one leg on the bed and got a bit closer to his face. My breathe was fanning over his face.

"You don't know where they are, you are just bluffing. You will never know where they are right now" he whispered softly but it held no confidence as if he knew he was just trying to reassure himself rather than confronting me.

"Does Kai name ring any bell or may be Canada?" I asked confidently, and his shoulder slumped. He know now who has the upper hands here.

"What do you really want?" He asked softly more tears falling, i wiped his tears with my other hand and loosened my grip a bit.

"You, i want you all to myself" i said softly trying to calm him a bit i know he felt dejected right now but i will have to do this even though it hurts him.

"No tell me what actually do you want me to do?" He asked and it wasn't hard to speak now was it?.

"I want you to fulfill the punishment i told you about if you didn't follow what i said. Do you remember what i said that day?" I asked again my voice was soft enough not to scare him more.

"No...no don't do this to me.. i don't wanna marry you i will do anything but not this I'm not ready to get married especially not with you" he said

"Say whatever you want, I don't care if you are ready to get married or not. You are going to get married to me and it's going to be tomorrow. You have no say in this do as i say or i won't hesitate to torture your family right in front of your eyes" i warned him again, i really am controlling my anger when he said he didn't wanted to get married to me.

He has no option about who he wants to get married to, he is just going to be with me. I won't let him go away from me even if i had to kill thousands of people right in front of his eyes. When it comes to him i would do anything for him to just stay by my side.He has become my hunger, my thirst, my possession. I promise myself that i will make him love me...he is going to fall for me and i won't stop till i make him love me just like i do.

" You are a fucking monster" he said tiredly i know whatever had happened in past 2 day have took a toll on him and he is drained out of energy but i don't mind it as long as he is by my side i can keep his attitude in check.

"Think of me as whatever you want to but nothing is going to stop me from doing what I've decided for you not even god can stop me now. Till then take care baby and Don't make fuss about anything do whatever they tell you to do one wrong move jimin, and your family will be right under my hands and you know me i don't back out from my words. You are mature enough to choose what is right for you" i lightly pecked his head lingering there for a few moment and then swiftly walked out of his room.

Tomorrow will be the day i was waiting for i thought it will take time to get there but he made it more easy and quick for me by just disobeying my order and trying to run away from me. I'm so thankful for it really my dream is coming true for the first time in so long i was looking forward to it and was so damn excited.

Mind it i always get what i want.


Hell yeah its an birthday update...i hope you will be delighted to read this chapter and would be looking forward for more.... that's all i wish on my bday.... I love you guyz... Oh I'm sorry for slow update but i told u earlier about my graduation and I'm really stressed due to so much work that I've been receiving from clg so please just few months more...i would try to update in between but don't hold it against me i will try to im not so sure so please bare with me and thanks for always supporting...❤️💜

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