Chapter 53: Kill the Reaper

Start from the beginning

Following this brief comment, the battle between the two of them commences once more. The Reaper pulls Sasu out of his side and throws it over the cliff edge. As he does this he also blocks several blows from (F/N)'s katana. The two continue to trade one blow after the next without either of them making much progress.

After the two of them have been battling for over an hour, (F/N) has begun to grow quite tired. Yet he continues to fight on. The Reaper is also tiring from what (F/N) can tell, as his attacks are starting to slow down. This provides more opening for (F/N) to strike using.

With the added fatigue that both of them are feeling, the Reaper and (F/N) both start to land blows on one another. The Reaper manages to cut into (F/N)'s right leg. No sooner has this blow landed then (F/N) swings and connects with the Reaper's right arm cutting into it. In order to avoid having his arm cut off entirely, the Reaper had to back up when this attack came.

As the Reaper backs up, (F/N) charges forward to strike once more. When he does so the Reaper swings with Shiryu. Hoping to end the fight with this strike, (F/N) does not go to block the strike from Shiryu, but instead moves to the right trying to dodge that attack while continuing his own. The result of this is that Shiryu manages to cut into (F/N)'s left arm severing the bicep.

However, as a result of this somewhat reckless move, (F/N) is able to get behind the Reaper and swings with his sword. The Reaper expects this and rushes forward to avoid being struck. He is unable to move fast enough though as (F/N)'s katana cuts deeply into his back.

Following being struck in the back, the Reaper turns to face (F/N) once more. With this they begin to once again trade blows with one another. In the process of doing this the Reaper manages to cut (F/N) across the forehead. However, as injuries from Shiryu do not bleed, this is of little concern to (F/N) as he knows that no blood will drip into his eyes.

As the two of them continue to cross swords, they slowly work their way back over towards the edge of the cliff. (F/N) suspects that the Reaper plans to once again try to knock him off the cliff. (F/N) has no intention of letting this happen. He tries to push back against the Reaper's attacks with some success. However, the Reaper manages to get a kick in that strikes (F/N) right where the cut on his left leg is.

When the Reaper kicks (F/N) in the leg, (F/N) begins to lose his balance due to the pain in his left leg. The Reaper takes advantage of this and pushes forward in his attack against (F/N). At this point it becomes clear to (F/N) that he will not be able to avoid going over the edge of the cliff.

Thinking quickly instead of letting the Reaper push him off the cliff, (F/N) steps off the cliff himself, and grabs the Reaper's leg as he falls off the cliff. This results in the Reaper being dragged off the cliff with (F/N).

As they both begin to fall, (F/N) kicks against the cliff side, so that he will not land right next to the base of the cliff. Then when he hits the snow covered ground, he rolls across it several times before finally coming to a stop. As a result of this fall, (F/N) is fairly certain, his left arm that he just landed on is broken.

Getting up as quickly as he can, (F/N) finds that the Reaper is also recovering from the fall. Not wanting to lose any advantage that he might have, (F/N) moves forward to strike the Reaper.

When (F/N) reaches the Reaper, he has also recovered from the fall and blocks (F/N)'s strike. They then once again start crossing swords with one another. As they are doing so, (F/N) can tell that the Reaper was injured in the fall more than he was, since the Reaper is moving slower than before.

Thinking that he can take advantage of the Reaper's injuries, (F/N) tries to press that attack. He manages to create an opening by knocking Shiryu aside. Then as he goes in to strike, the Reaper punches his left arm into (F/N)'s katana. Much to (F/N)'s surprise when the Reaper does this the katana breaks. The Reaper then quickly kicks (F/N) in the stomach using his left leg.

As a result of the Reaper's powerful kick, (F/N) is knocked to the ground. He rolls away to prevent the Reaper from stabbing Shiryu into him. He then quickly pulls out several throwing knives and throws them at the Reaper, These are batted away by the Reaper without much effort.

The Reaper then lunges forward at (F/N) and slashes. (F/N) manages to just barely avoid having his head cut off, as Shiryu digs into his left shoulder blade. However as a result of the slick snow and already being very tired, (F/N) slips on the snow and falls to the ground as a result of this strike.

The Reaper: "It would seem that our battle has finally come to an end. I thought that you would truly be worthy to succeed me, but it would appear that I was wrong."

Following this commnet the Reaper walks over to (F/N) and raises Shiryu to deliver the killing blow. As (F/N) places his right hand behind himself, he feels a knife. Not knowing exactly where the knife came from, (F/N) grabs a hold of it, hoping to use whatever he just found to defend himself.

As the Reaper strikes downward with his blade, (F/N) rolls forward and slices upward using the knife that he picked up. As he swings it, (F/N) realizes that the weapon in his hand is in fact Sasu. The result is that Sasu, being just long enough cuts clean through the Reaper's right hand.

Taking advantage of the short paralyzing effect that Sasu has on the Reaper, (F/N) kicks the legs out from under the Reaper causing him to fall to the ground. Then acting quickly, (F/N) grabs Shiryu that has fallen to the ground with the Reaper's right hand. He then slashes at the Reaper with the blade.

With the slash of Shiryu, (F/N) cuts across the neck of the Reaper, who was starting to get up from having been knocked to the ground. This cut severs the Reaper's windpipe. While it is not fatal, it causes the Reaper to fall to his knees.

Seeing this (F/N) gets up and swings Shiryu at the Reaper once more, cutting his head off. With this strike, (F/N) has won the succession battle and become the next Reaper.

Following the death of the Reaper, (F/N) goes over to his body to take the sheath of Shiryu off of him. When he is doing this, (F/N) notices that there is a key attached to the belt of the Reaper. (F/N) assumes that this key is likely the key to the cabin that the Reaper told him to go to after winning the succession battle. For this reason, (F/N) takes the key along with the sheath of Shiryu from the Reaper's corpse.

Reaper of the Empire (Akame Ga Kill x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now