I stand up, now I'm at his face, "I almost did die, you fucking son of a bitch!" I yell into his face. "The only thing that kept me fighting was her face, so don't fucking stand here and tell me to act like everything is all right." I continue to shout.

Joseph backs away a bit, his face falling, "Yeah, Sawyer, well I stayed." His voice is smaller as he croaks. "You're the one who made sure I stayed. And some things changed and if you can't get used to it..." he doesn't get to finish, his words boiling my blood by the second.

"Oh, I have to get used to it?" I nod my head, "We will see about that." I can't help my self, my arm flies up into his face.

Jospeh's whole body turns and he falls to the floor, unable to brace the fall. Evan is quick, already pulling me back.

"Get fucking used to that!" I shout, trying to pull out of Evans hold.

Joseph slowly pulls himself up, blood coming out of his mouth and nose. He wipes his mouth examining the blood.

"That was my left hand to." I smirk. He's lucky I went easy on his fucking ass.

Without thought Joseph comes charging at me, pushing both of us over Evans desk. Evans shouting for both of us to stop, not strong enough to stop us.

I punch Joseph a few more times and he gets a few good punches but the rage inside masks any pain I'm feeling.

"You called me an awful brother!" Joseph says.

"Get your hands off of me." I push him away.



We both get a few more good punches in.

"Come on, Jospeh." I punch him one more time in the face and he falls to the floor. We're both bleeding, and I fall to the floor beside him.

We both stay quiet, the only sounds are our moans of pain and ragged breathing.

We both sit up against the wall.

"Sawyer, you're all the only family I have. When you were gone I'm sure it was the loneliest Opal has ever been." He says after a long moment of silence.

"Well shit, now you're really breaking my heart." I bitterly remark.

"If you didn't leave none of this would have happened." Joseph shakes his head.

"Oh so it's my fault." I roll my eyes.

"Damn it Sawyer. I know there's some way we can work this out. Things have to be right between me and you."

"It's never going to be the same." I don't see how he's seeing things can change. Everything is different, everything is all wrong. This was not supposed to happen. 

We both hear screaming and Evans office door swings open.

"Opal is gone." Avery screams. "And it's both of your faults." She's hysterical, crying, yelling.

"Hey, shh. I'll find her." I tell her, she calms a bit and nods.

"You don't know where she is." Joseph says and I glare at him.

"I always know where she is." I softly mutter and head out.


All the yelling and screaming and fighting I needed to leave. With both of them there I know I'll never be able to talk and tell my side of the story. God, what did I do?

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now