"Yoomi... How are you?" He patted my head fondly.

"I'm.. I'm f..fine .." I stuttered.

"I missed you so much, child. Without you, our house looked so nil."

"I missed you both... By the way, why are you so early today?" I asked.

"Oh my! I totally forgot!" He shook his head.

"What happened?" I puzzled.

"Yoomi, it's something important. It's really good, you are here." He looked around, "Honey, are you ready?" He called Mom.

"Are you both going somewhere?" I asked.

"Yes, now you are too joining us. Go and get ready." He turned a bit away, "Umm.. let me book extra appointment." He took his phone out and called somebody.

"Hello, yes. Hand the call to Mr. Yoongi." He spoke.

"Did I hear Yoongi? Why would Dad call Yoongi to book appointments? Aren't we going any kinda shows? Why would Yoongi do these silly things? No! This is not silly thing. Something on it's way..." I puzzled inside my mind.

"Yeah, sure. Thank you." Dad ended the call with a wide smile.

"Dad? What's the plan?"

"We have to meet somebody. Especially you should meet." His words were indistinct.


Dad started the car. I sat with Dad, in the front. Mom sat behind.

"So where are we going? Where that person will meet us?" I asked.


"To where-- HOSPITAL!!???" I perplexed.

"Why are you scared?" My Dad asked.

"I don't like hospital.. You know that!" I pouted.

"That's why I did not mention it earlier." He smiled.

"This is bad..!" I crossed my arms and looked outside.

"Jin called me and told me about your health."

"Ahh.. That monkey!!!!..." I thought. "So you lied me? There is no one we are meeting?" I asked him.

"No no.. We are! You will know once you see her!" Dad said turning the car in front of the hospital. "Get down. I'll park the car and join." He said.

My legs were not ready to enter the hospital. Again the huge logo of the hospital made me uncomfortable. "K&K Multispeciality Hospital & Medical Research Institution." It reminded me of some of my old incidents. More than that, it reminded me of the school. Especially Tae.

"Let's go in." Dad spoke from behind.

"O..oka..ay.." I mumbled.

We entered in.

"Let me recheck the appointment timings. We have two appointments." Dad said and approached the reception. We followed him.

"How can I help?"
I saw Namjoon at the counter.

"Hey.. Hello.." I smiled.

"Hello Yoomi..." He greeted.

"You know him?" My Dad asked.

"Yes. Our senior in my old school." I said.

"Nice to know that you work here." Dad smiled at him, "Can you check the timings of our appointments please?"

"Sure, sir. Your name please."

"Jung In Soo."

Namjoon checked the timings in the screen and clicked something. He gave some receipt.

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