Chapter 4 (William)

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"It's Rumplestiltskin, he's escaped,"

A wave of shock goes over the room, our previous conversation stops and so does the mutters that were happening around the room.

Did I hear that correctly? Rumplestiltskin has escaped! He can't have! His cell is inescapable, the bars unbreakable, and it drains his magic. How could he have possible escaped?

There's no way on earth that's right.

"What!?" Mother gasps, her eyes widening in fear. "How, when, why, HOW?" Her face probably mirrors mine right now, the wide eyes full of shock and fear. And rightly so.

"That's impossible!" Father goes on to exclaim, "There is no way he should have been able to get out unless..." he trails off as realisation comes to him, what realisation I don't know but I do know it can't be good.

It really can't be good. The look on his face is just plain heartbreak by this point.

"No," mother murmurs, "No, no no, it's- she's- she's really done it, he's with HER," the pure shock, horror, fear and sadness is clear in her voice, all hope abandoned, all happiness forgotten. A thing of the past. Though if I'm being honest happiness has been a thing of the past since Emma left, there's been very little celebration. The only celebration that has been held was for William when he was crowned crown prince when mother and father finnaly realised that Emma was gone and she's not coming back.

I still don't think they've excepted that, I struggle to even still a year later.

Emma's gone and she's not coming back.

"She? Her? Him?" Neal questions, looking as confused as I, asking the one of many questions that floats through my head. "Mother, Father," What an earth are you talking about?" At this, our parents heads snap up and their eyes widen.

"We know where he is and how he's escaped," mother explains with a sigh, all shock and fear gone, just sadness, just heartbreak. "And it's our fault, like all of this. It's our fault," 


"What?" Neal questions, "Emma's darkness was a prophecy, and if anyone's to blame its me. She trusted me and I broke that trust," the regret is clear, how much he hates himself for what he did evident.

"Neal, son, why did she ask you to keep it a secret?" Father asks, sadness also clear in his voice. Neal doesn't reply, he falls silent. "Exactly, because of us, this is our fault none of the blame is on you,"

"Well Emma doesn't see it that way, and nor do I!" Neal argues back, his voice breaking into a shout. "You two were only doing what you thought was right for the kingdom, and what was I acting out of?"

Stupidity... quickly though, I brush this thought away.

Tears start to build up in his eyes, making them twinkle and sparkle. In truth each of us had a part to play in this, it was as much my fault as theirs. If only I had helped Emma get out of their faster maybe her and Hook would have escaped with their child and none of this would be happening.

This thought quickly dissolves and another forms in my head, one that still shocks me even after ages of thinking it.

Emma's a mother. She isn't even a to be mother anymore. A year has passed since she announced her pregnancy, so she's already had the baby. I'm an uncle, my sisters a mother. But, the question is, is she? Is the baby still alive? Is it safe?

I hate to think of Emma negatively but she's a villain now, and the worst one to have lived to so, these things have to be thought of. It's nasty, really nasty.

I love you Emma, I love you so much.

"Love, Neal. You were acting out of love, out of hope and out of duty. None of this is your fault," mother says, staring at my brother. "But," she sighs, "We can't waste time placing blame, it's-it is time to tell you something, two things actually we should have told you long, long ago,"

Our parents have never lied to us but now suddenly they are acting like they have? What aren't they telling us?

"Mother," I say, worry clear in my voice. "What is it? Do you know something about the dark ones disappearance?" Exchanging looks with Neal I run my hand through my hair, flattening it down while my head goes through everything that could be happening, what could it be?

Did my parents help him, or let him, escape?
Did they make some kind of deal?
Are they on the dark ones side?

Then the more crazier thoughts come.

Are they related?
Are we not their children and this some kind of trick to be rid of us?

"Snow are you sure?" Father asks, frowning, also clearly nervous. "What if they don't understand?"

"It's time to tell them," mother argues, "It's- it's time they knew," she trips over her words slightly, that confidence she always has buffering, something I've never, or hardly ever seen. The only time I've seen her let down that wall was when Emma turned evil.

"Well, first off, when the prophecy of Emma's future was told to us, we realised that prophecy, all of this is our fault. Long ago I had a vision that Emma would grow up to be this- to be dark so your father and I did something I can never forgive myself for. We got a wizard to cast a spell, banishing Emma's potential for darkness into another, innocent, child," the tears that previously formed in her eyes begin to fall. "The wizard warned us, he said that now Emma's future was in our hands and we failed her. Not only her but our other child to," she looks up at us sadly, that look in her eyes when she's thinking about the past.

"You didn't fail us mother," Neal assures her but she shakes her head violently.

"Yes we did son, but but there is something else to," she sighs and wipes her tears away, turning towards father before continuing. He nods his head and takes a step closer to her, wrapping his arm around her, also looking remorseful.

What did they do?

"We-," Dad starts, stoping to take a deep breath, looking at Snow who nods again. Then he looks at us sadly, apologetically. "Emma had a twin brother, you had an older brother, or have, we-we don't know- or we do but-" he stops and looks at us as we digest this information.

Beneath it all I do think of William as a brother who makes sarcastic, funny, mean comments jokingly like I do 😂😂😂 just me who thinks that ok.

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