Chapter 9 (Snow)

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A few minutes earlier
"I just hope we're wrong about this," I sigh, "I really do. William and Arthur are really close friends, best friends even," and they are. Ever since Arthur started there was just a special connection between the two and were friends immediately. I just really hope we're wrong about this.

"Me to Snow, me to," David sighs, his sword at the ready. "But we have to protect our family,"

We have received a tip from someone that Arthur attended a meeting last night. A meeting about killing us and taking over the kingdom for themselves. There's a strong divide on our kingdom now, which has somewhat been there since Emma ran away but is far more prominent now. Civil war is brewing in our kingdom and we must do anything we can to stop it. Yes, we've made mistakes and lots of them but I want to redeem myself, I want to be the Queen this land deserves, just as David wants to be the king the people deserves. But having say that, we must also protect our family. If Arthur is plotting against us that is treason and he must be stopped. At all costs.

We are hidden around the corner from Williams room so we're out of sight but we have view of the door. We see William stick his head out the door, he looks nervous, incredibly nervous. What is Arthur doing to him? Oh my baby, I have never seen him look so worried, my baby boy. Exchanging looks with David, my eyes conveying everything I'm feeling he just sighs. He's worried to, we've already lost James, put our daughter child against us, on the way to putting our second child against us and I refuse to lose my last.

Haven't David and I lost enough already? We have to do everything we can to not lose anymore. We will get Emma back and we will be better people so we can get our sons back.

"We can't do this," I realise, whispering the words so quietly no one can hear. Tears fill my eyes and I look around at the guards, if we want to be better people, better parents, better rulers, we have to trust our children. We have to trust those closest to them, before we do this we need more evidence, we can't just go one someone's word. William will hate us, we need more evidence if we're going to do this. "David," I say, looking up at him my eyes wide, "We have to get more evidence before we do this otherwise Neal will hate us," I tell him, "We're taking away his best friend, please we can not do this,"

"We have to Snow, to protect our family,"

We're both trying to protect our families, but going about it in different ways. Emma's abandonment affected us both in different ways. David's definitely been more distant, he's definitely been more angry. Although that anger is at himself he's directing it at others. He doesn't forgive himself for issuing that sentence that day I doubt he ever will.

"Isn't protecting our family not locking up our sons best friend? We need more evidence, there's a high chance we could be wrong about this, we need more than just a tip," I explain, and it must be our luck because suddenly we hear voices. Arthur and Williams. I feel my heart break even more.

"Yes, I am against your parents. I will admit that. If I had to chose to kill them right now, I probably would,"

There's more voices from inside, he's still talking but that's the big I focus on. Oh god we're right. No, we can't be. We really, really can't be.

"No," I mumble. That confession is enough for him to be, I hate to say it, killed. No, no...

"I hate it to Snow," David sighs, "I can't tell you how much it breaks my heart we're right, but he's been acting strange. More hostile towards us, he has to be locked up," and the regret, the hesitance is clear in his voice despite his Kingly tone. His weakness, his Hope shines through. Hope that we're wrong. That the person talking to William isn't Arthur.

"Let's go," I sigh, hating myself for issuing the order. "Lets get this over and done with,"

The guards nod from behind us, falling silent as we carefully, quietly, slowly, approach the the door, our footsteps as silent as a mouse. With a creek, the old, battered, wooden door opens and we step inside.

Inside to see our son, OUR SON and Arthur, ARTHUR, together. There lips merged together, softly touching. There kissing, oh my god there kissing! That is against the law, we could even lock of William for this if we wanted to- which we wouldn't.

If this got out to the kingdom... oh god...

Ok so I just want to explain now. I am not any of these characters, any homophobia is not my own thoughts. I fully support the LGBTQ community, this is just characters in a story.

I also want to add that in this story, being homosexual is outlawed, based on the time line (technology, medicine, clothing) that has nothing to do with my views.

Now you've been warned that there in homophobia in the next few chapters, and that it is not my own I do not expect any backlash that this is how I think. ITS THE CHARACTERS!

I just want to make this clear as I've seen this in other stories where the author has pointed out there not being homophobic, it's the characters. But people have went ahead hating against them because they were insistent it was the author.

Also I wanted to add Arthur and William oh my god! I got the idea in my head and I couldn't get it out! There so cute together! Originally Arthur wasn't going to play a part in this story (maybe a few appearances) but I got the idea in my head and I knew I couldn't write the story any other way.

Excuse me over in the corner crying because William and Arthur are so cute together. (Like I do with Captain Swan on a daily basis)

Sorry for the long A/N

Evil Awakened (Dare to love #2) (OUAT fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang