Chapter 39 (Emma)

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Their heads make a bang when they hit the wall, but I do not care. I don't care about the man infront of me either, I don't need him anymore. He's served his purpose. And that to be exact was to distract everyone and feed me information. The only useful price being they were leaving for Oz, everything else was pretty much useless.

"I'm done with you now," I tell him, "I don't need you anymore,"

"Then why not leave me be?" He asks with difficulty, grunting as my hold on his throat gets tighter.

"Well that would be no fun," I pout, putting on a sad tone, "Besides it's better this way," and then before he can ramble on even more (I'm not sure I could take it, honestly every word that comes from his mouth is drivel) my hold gets so tight on his throat (well my magic) it snaps and he falls to the ground, dead instantly.

I stand there, smiling, for a few seconds before a groan pulls me from the dead man on the floor. Looking over at the bed, I see William who is sweating buckets, breathing heavily and clearly suffering. Feeling guilty and concerned I rush over to him, he is suffering because of me but I cannot be a coward, I mustn't back down. I have to give this potion to him.

I won't let you suffer Will because I just love you to much.

"Oh William," I sigh, grabbing the potion and holding the bottle in my hands while sitting myself on the bed. Carefully, I pull a strand of hair from his eyes, wanting to do whatever I can to help him. Which means administrating this potion so he doesn't have to suffer anymore. "I'm sorry, I have to do this. This curse I'm going to cast, everyone will suffer, everyone will feel the pain we've been feeling and I can not let you live through that. Not everyone will suffer, only the people I want to suffer. James won't, my daughter won't, and I could chose for you not to but I know if I left you I'd feel too guilty. And I also know if I were to let you be awake to lessen my guilt, you would do everything in your power to break my curse and I'm afraid I cannot let that happen. I will not let that happen. I need you to know I love you, I always have and I always will, o matter what. That's why I'm doing this and I can only hope your able to see that. When the time is right, I will awaken you, and you'll have your memories, when the time is right," I sigh, looking down at my lap for a moment. I must do this. I must. "To the hope we'll talk again one day," I finish, pulling the cork from the potion and spinning it around looking at the slimy liquid. Carefully I bring it over to his mouth, slowly pouring it in and swallowing down my guilt. I must not let myself feel that, and after this, I won't have to.

Because I will have my revenge. Finally. It's taken some time but I will have it. In less than a few hours revenge will be mine. For before I went I did everything needed. No one can stop what's coming.

No one.

"Emma?" I hear a murmur, I look away from William, who has now fallen under the curse and is laying like he's dead (he's not) "What have you done?" My father whispers in shock, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?"

As I said, no one can stop what's coming.

Now you know why George/David last goodbye before they left for the docks was so tearful! Of course none of them knew he would die at that point! What are you thinking of the story so far?

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