Chapter 31 (William)

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Lots of this book has been about action so here's a little quiet moment for you involving George, Neal and William :) Enjoy.

"You couldn't beat me on a horse," Neal argues, chuckling to himself and looking across the table at George who sits two seats away from me, shaking his head amusedly.

"Really?" George asks, raising an eyebrow and taking a bite of warm bread. He chews it slowly, taking his time to laugh himself at the arrogance spread across his step grandsons face. "And why not?" He questions, once he's swallowed and taken a long sip of water.

"Well for one, old man, I think you've lost your speed with those weak old bones," Neal tells him, also taking a bite of bread. Sighing at the two, I roll my eyes, it's nice to have a moment like this amongst all the trouble. A moment where we all forget what's happened and why we are living how we're living. A moment where we can forget all our worries, pain and sadness.

I'm not skeptical of George anymore, well not as much as I was since my last talk with Emma. I do trust him but I know he's up to something that Emma's told him to do. The question is what. For now however, I know that he wants to redeem himself and that's enough for me. However I know Neal is. My brother really doesn't trust him although he does pretend to.

"Well, maybe you'd like to put that theory to the test?" George asks, this time raising his eyebrow in challenge. And of course my brother laughs even more at this, obviously thinking it's ludicrous the idea that George thinks he can beat him. At this I also laugh, shaking my head, oh boy my brother can be arrogant.

"Yes I would," Neal nods, "What do we race for?" He asks, making both of them fall into a silence which really doesn't last long.

Pride? 15 gold coins? First pick at dinner? A new horse?

No. Of course it's not.

"If I win, you give me every last coin you've got. If you win, I'll give you every last coin I've got," George challenges, smiling mischievously. A quick glance at Neal tells me he's accepting this offer.

"Really you can't just win pride?" I ask, rolling my eyes as I take another bite of the lovely warm bread. Boy we've got the best cooks. As soon as the words spill from my mouth to very loud laughs sound, looking up from the table I see how amused the two competitive idiots look.

"Your an absolute joker Will, we should make you the royal jester," Neal laughs, "Playing for pride is like playing for nothing. Tis worthless and boring I'm telling you," he manages to say before laughing more whilst pointing his last peace of bread at me. "Your to kind for your own good,"

"Your to foolish, idiotic and arrogant for your own good," I come back, looking him up and down disapprovingly. "When your king here's what the people will sing: Old King Neal. An arrogant fart. To ugly for art. When he's dead we'll drag him on a cart. Old King Neal is an arrogant brat You could compare him to a gnat," I start to sing, a huge smile appearing in my face at the offended look on his face. Beside me I can hear George laughing to, although quietly.

"You little," Neal growls, running behind me and moving his arm around my neck to restrict my breath and using his hand to mess up my hair.

"Stop it," I laugh, barley managing to get out whilst wriggling to try and escape my brothers grasp. "Stop it!"

"Apologise you little-" he begins, but suddenly the doors open and all three of us look up as my parents stroll through the room.

"Neal!" Mother shouts, rushing towards us and looking at George, "Seriously? Didn't think to stop this?" She sighs, putting her hand on her hips. Standing up George looks at her, smiling slightly.

"Oh come on let them be teenagers," he says, patting me on the back lightly and I try (and fail) to neaten my hair up.

"Come on, sit down," Father says, sitting on the seat and as he does and the quiet moment is shattered I get another vision of Arthur's death. Less of Arthur's death than him giving the order.


I will never forget that moment. Never.

"So we've talked to Blue," Father sighs, looking at us to George. From the look on their faces I can tell it isn't good news.

"And what did she say?" Neal asks. Despite him still being angry at them, (it's very obvious he's still angry) he's always prepared to put that aside it involves Emma. I am to, I want her back, the old her back. I know it's a lot to ask but that's my deepest wish in the world, even above resurrecting Arthur. I don't like this new person she has become, even if she still talks to me. She's changed and not for the better. That lightness I always felt about her is gone, possibly never to return. Her light as been completely destroyed, with the only trace left for her daughter and me. The rest? Replaced with a sea of darkness, the waves drowning her in it and soon that last bit of oxygen will be gone. And then? There will be no saving her. No hope. Nothing.

"We have to go to Oz, there's nothing else we can do," Mother says, her eyes looking really sad. "After that there's nothing much else we can do," she carries on, looking at the table for a few seconds then looking back up at us, "We won't be gone long. We will travel to the docks to retrieve the wishing star and then travel to Oz and hopefully the witches will have something for us to get back to the enchanted Forrest," she explains looking at father then at George then at us.

"Yeah but when we're gone we are leaving your grandfather in charge," Father says and as I look at Neal I see a trace of anger in his face. It quickly dissolves however, but his jaw remains clenched. "We trust you'll take care of the kingdom until we get back," he nods towards the old man, who nods back.

"Of course," he replies before looking at mother and adding, "Don't worry I won't encourage any more brother fights," he chuckles, making father laugh to but both men stop when they look at mother. She doesn't look impressed, let's just say she isn't laughing.

"So when are you going?" I question, stepping in before anything more can happen.

"We leave tomorrow at first light, it will give us time to get ready," father tells us, surprising me they're not leaving sooner.

"Good then, that's sorted," Neal says sharply, looking at everyone in the room although barely and exits by storming out. Taking a deep breath and look at him and look at my parents. I won't storm out but I'm still angry at them. I think.

They killed my one true love.

Oh Arthur.
Hope you liked the Neal and William sibling fight :) you can tell I'm a sibling (the youngest) 😂😂

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